Poetry Analysis: Fire and Ice by Robert Frost written by Irfan Suryana

A. Text of Poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great                                                                                          
And would suffice.

B. Explanation
            Here, Robert Frost had written a poem about comparison between Fire and Ice. Frankly, Fire and Ice are metaphor. I can see two things in this poem. First is physical and second is emotional. If I connect between Fire and Physical so Fire refers to  falling meteor, fire attack, mountain explosion, bomb, and many things that it includes fire. Whereas Ice refers to gletzer, flood, storm, tsunami, ice storm, and extreme cold climate.  How about emotional? Fire refers to jealousy, anger or rage, envy, revenge, hatred and so on.Whereas ice refers to extreme sadness,  loneliness, despair, pain heart, restlessness, fear, disappointment, egoism, indifference, hopelessness, and pessimism. But Robert Frost wants explaining that the world will end by destructive emotions of human. Frankly, the world refers to human soul. Because he had obtained some words that refers to human soul. Those words are desire in line 3 and hate in line 6. This poem also uses mind, for example think and know. Moreover Robert Frost created this poem with free verse. “Fire and Ice” was first published in Harpir’s Magazine in 1920 and it was republished in 1923 in Frost’s collection New Hampshire.

C. Poet (Robert Frost)
            Robert Frost is modern American poet. His full name is Robert Lee Forst. He was born in San Fransisco, California, US on March 26, 1874. He died in Boston, Massachusetts, US on January 29, 1963 (aged 88), and his occupation was poet and playwright. He won the Pulitzer Prize four times and was asked to deliver a poem at President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961.

D. Figurative Language
1. Paradox : Fire and Ice
After the speaker states that the world or human soul will end by fire. He also states in line 5 “But if it had to perish twice”. Human is impossible to live twice. But it is just once. The speakers wants explaining that human soul can end with ice as well. It is not only fire. So, Robert Frost had obtained the tittle for this poem, that is Fire and Ice, not Fire or Ice.
2. Alliteration
In line 1 and 2 there is alliteration, “Some say the world will end in fire”, “Some say in ice”, “Some say” is called alliteration. Because both words are started with same letter, that is “s”. In line 4 there is alliteration, “I hold with those who favor fire, “Favor fire” is an example of alliteration. Due tue both words are started with same letter, that is “f”.
3. Metaphor : Line 4 to 5 and line 6 to 8
Fire is metaphor for desire and ice metaphor for hate.
4. Symbolism
In line 8, there is an example of symbolism, “Is also great”, “Great” means powerful. It does not mean fantastic. Due to the speaker explains regarding destruction, not amazement in nature or scenary.
5. Irony
            There is irony in line 9, “And would suffice”, “Suffice” is an example of irony.

E. Style and Structure
The poem was written in a single  9-line stanza. There is three sentences. First sentence is line 1 to 2. Second is line 3 to 4. The last sentence is line 5 to 9.
Rhyme scheme is a b a a b c b c b.
Some say the world will end in fire,-a
Some say in ice.-b
From what I’ve tasted of desire-a
I hold with those who favor fire.-a
But if it had to perish twice,-b
I think I know enough of hate-c
To say that for destruction ice-b
Is also great-c
And would suffice.-b

F. Summary
This poem tells opinion about the world condition that it can shatter by fire and ice. I know the fire will make destruction rapidly but ice is also dangerous because it will make destruction slowly.Virtually, It is not really natural disasters like falling meteor, mountain explosion, gletzer, etc. Due to the world refers to our soul. Robert Lee Frost wants telling that the world will end by destructive emotions of human like revenge, despair, and so on. Moreover, the speaker puts his opinion into this poem like in line 3 “From what I’ve tasted of desire”, line 4 “I hold with those who favor fire”, line 6 “I think  I know enough of hate”. It proves that this poem was created in debate situation about world will end with fire and ice. Here, there are two opinions. Some scientist said that the world will end by fire but another scientist said that the world will end by ice. So, this poem is like expression of Robert Frost and he explains that human soul can shatter as well. It is caused by anger, egoism, so on. The speaker is Robert Frost.

G. Theme
            Theme of this poem is destructive emotions of human.

H. Tone
            The tone of this poem is argumentative.

I. The Effect
            Robert Frost have been successful to make me as the reader understand about the core of his poem. Moreover, I can imagine in my own thoughts regarding destructive emotions of human and it is extremey dangerous. Due to it will affect human soul.

J. Personal Reflections

            I choose this poem because the tittle is terribly interesting. Due to the tittle is like comparison.When I read, the poem turned out incredible. Because it explains regarding destructive emotions of human. I guess that the poem tells about how the world will end. But it implies that the world in his poem is human soul and it will end by envy, fear, and so on.

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