20 Kalimat dengan Menggunakan “Has to” (20 Sentences Using "Has to")


20 Kalimat dengan Menggunakan “Has to”

Written by Irfan Suryana (June 6, 2023)

Hello, everyone!

Welcome back to my blog!

Let's learn English together!

Pada hari ini kita akan sama-sama belajar tentang 20 Kalimat dengan menggunakan "Has to". Let's get started!

1. He has to buy an English module. (Dia harus membeli sebuah modul bahasa Inggris)

2. She has to do her homework. (Dia harus mengerjakan PR)

3. Rommy has to go to the hospital. (Rommy harus pergi ke rumah sakit)

4. Tiara has to get a trophy. (Tiara harus mendapatkan sebuah piala).

5. It has to be efficient. (Itu harus efisien)

6. It has to be quicker than before. (Itu harus lebih cepat daripada sebelumnya)

7. He has to know the secret. (Dia harus mengetahui rahasia tersebut)

8. She has to think before she does. (Dia harus berpikir sebelum dia melakukannya)

9. Jefry has to take his salary. (Dia harus mengambil upahnya)

10. He has to tell the truth. (Dia harus mengatakan yang sebenarnya)

11. She has to come to my house. (Dia harus datang ke rumah saya)

12. Galih has to look after his father. (Galih harus merawat ayahnya)

13. Arum has to use this computer. (Arum haru menggunakan komputer ini)

14. He has to find the missing words. (Dia harus menemukan kata-kata yang hilang)

15. She has to give the reports. (Dia harus memberikan laporan-laporan tersebut)

16. Zake has to work in New Zealand. (Zake harus bekerja di Selandia Baru)

17. Yunita has to call her boss. (Yunita harus menelepon atasannya)

18. He has to ask his mother's permission before he goes to London. (Dia harus meminta izin ibunya sebelum dia pergi ke London)

19. She has to become a winner in this competition. (Dia harus menjadi seorang pemenang di dalam kompetisi ini)

20. Ben has to leave this room. (Ben harus meninggalkan ruangan ini)

Thank you so much for learning together! We'll meet again in another lesson.

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