
by Siti Nuraini

When a person has a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep, chances are they have a sleep disorder called insomnia. It is reported thousands of people suffer from this disorder annually. Other symptoms may include waking up multiple times throughout the night or trouble falling asleep when waking in the middle of the night. Many people who experience insomnia feel tired and worn out when they wake up. There are various remedies that can help someone deal with the disorder on their own or with the help of a healthcare professional.
In order to understand potential causes of the disorder a person’s health history may be reviewed with their doctor. Many people experience one of two types of insomnia including primary and secondary. Primary insomnia includes a person having sleep difficulties by themselves without a connection to any other health problem. Secondary insomnia is a sleep condition that accompanies another health condition such as cancer, arthritis, or asthma. This form may be experienced by people who take medication or consume alcohol. There is acute and chronic insomnia with acute being short-term (comes and go) and chronic lasting for longer periods of time.
Insomnia can be caused by a number of things such as depression, stress, physical and emotional discomfort, medications, environmental aspects (loud noises), illness, anxiety, and so forth. Symptoms that may accompany insomnia include irritability, tiredness, memory and concentration difficulties and even sleepiness during the day. The sleep disorder can be diagnosed by your doctor upon review of your medical history. Part of the treatment process may include instruction from your doctor to record actions and events that happen during the day in a journal. Your sleep patterns may also be recorded over a matter of weeks to understand your condition further.
Treatment for insomnia may vary depending on the type that is diagnosed. Acute and mild forms may not need treatment assistance from a doctor, but you can practice good sleep habits overtime. For chronic forms you may be given a prescription pill to take at certain times to help you sleep and deal with related symptoms. If your insomnia is accompanied by another health concern your treatment may vary. You may be instructed to avoid certain substances such as alcohol or caffeine. Exercising regularly can also help release tension to help you relax so you can sleep. Avoid heavy meals and try to make your bedroom a comfortable environment for rest.
Many people ignore insomnia and they forget the importance of this illness, but it can cause many difficulties for people. If we can not sleep, we may be agressive or pessimistic. Ä°n addition, we can not focuse on our work thats why we get tired more. Finally, needless to say that insomnia is serious case which shouldn't be taken lightly in terms of our health and our physciology. For a good sleep, we can take some precautions.May be, we can be more careful about drugs and medicines and we can be stronger against to hardships. If we can do it, we can be succesful.

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