Teddy, My Bad Dog

Teddy, My Bad Dog

By Murni Sumiarsih

Initially, I was pleased to see my friends' pets. They keep dogs, cats, fish, rabbits, and others. And then I'm also interested to maintain their own pet. Then at that time, I decided to buy a dog at a pet store. The dog was very small and still in its infancy. After some time I take care of him at home, I feel overwhelmed with behavior and conduct my pet dog, Teddy. He made it hard in every respect. Instead of making me happy, but he makes me even more hated keep a pet. My pet dog Teddy always create problems, such as make my house dirty, disturbing my activity, and necessary cost to support my pet.
First. My dog always make my house dirty. He always ruffled any object that is in my house. When I came home from college or from somewhere, I saw my house like a broken vessel. Very chaotic. Whereas before I go, I've tidied up my house. He was biting chairs, cloth or mat to sharpen his teeth. It made me very upset. He also always piss arbitrary and indiscriminate pooping in place. So I had to clean it every day. Feathers also fall everywhere. So I had to sweep the house as much as possible.
The second thing is, my dog always disturbing my activity. An example is when I was asleep at midnight, my dog suddenly bark out loud. And made me unable to sleep soundly. Every day he was always invited to play. Running around, chasing a ball, climbing. And it made the most of my energy was drained and made me limp. So my activities are divided to him as well. Sometimes he also does not want to stop playing. If I enter into the cage, he will be barking and would not stop barking.
The third thing that really sucks is, I have necessary cost to support my pet. He's a little draining my money. Dealing with every day he had to drink milk and eat meat, every month I have to make a special budget for him. Just imagine, he's every day eating and drinking three times. And there must be meat. If not, he will not touch his meal. In addition to give him mineral water, I also have to give him white milk. In addition to eating, I also bought his soap and shampoo for the shower. I also bought a comb, towels, and other necessities to him. It requires money fairly expensive for a student like me.
From what I have experienced, I was not interested in maintaining a pet again. Apparently, having pets or keeps pets if not with the patient can distress ourselves. And also does not make us entertained, but even makes us increasingly busy and add to our burden. Because we have to feel disturbed by barking, had to give our money to live them, and also must be exhausted to take care of and look after them.

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