Yogyakarta University of Technology (Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta) written by Irfan Suryana

Yogyakarta University of Technology is one of private university in Yogyakarta. It has three buildings. First building is a central building and it locates at Jl. Ringroad Utara, Jombor, Yogyakarta whereas second building locates at Jl. Glagahsari no. 63 Yogyakarta, and third building locates at Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH no. 21 Yogyakarta. I myself have been studying English Literature for two years in thrid building and when I am writing this writings I am in home for holiday after last examination. In the campus, I feel so happy because of people there. People, notably my friends, come from different provice in Indonesia. For example, Celebes, Moluccas, West Java, etc. I can study there because of scholarship. I was filed by one of lecturers there in order to get 'Bidikmisi' scholarship from Indonesian government. I chose English Literature as my major because I want to go overseas and get a job there. Even I wish I could have a wife from overseas. My mom said that my wish was so silly but I am sure I could get it. I will write about study in campus. In the first semester, I learned about Bahasa Indonesia, Grammar for sentence pattern, Integrated English, Sentence Writing, Extensive Reading, Intensive Listening, English Pronunciation, Computer Application, and Pengembangan Kepribadian. I really liked Sentence Writing because I was taught how to write nicely. Even I have memorable memory when my lecturer told some points to write, I said that we have to pay attention full stop in the end of sentence. My classmates laughed at me louder. I was a little shame but she said that I was true, we could not neglect full stop because it's very important in a sentence. Hence I am always confident in every situation, of course in the class. Besides that, I liked Pengembangan Kepribadian so much. I learned about psychology. For instance, confidence, studying, accepting who we are, capability, handling our weakness, improving our strength completely, and so on. When my lecturer taught about skill or capability, I went forward in order to show my skill at singing. I still remember that time was famous about Indonesian Idol, singing competition in which it would be held in Jogja ExponCenter, a place that many important events are always held there. My friends pointed me to sing in front of them before I would sing in front of the judges. I did not know why they knew about my competition. Therefore I sang in front them for the first time. The song entitled Diamonds that is sung by Rihanna. I sang bringing my note, a lyric note. After it finished, my all friends and my lecturer applauded me. Even she said that she saluted about my courage in order to sing in front of many people. In second semester, I studied Pancasila, Pendidikan Agama, Grammar for Tenses & Adv. Us, Communicative English, Paragraph Writing, Intensive Reading, Listening Comprehension,  English Vocabulary, Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi, and Integrated Japanese. Before I continue about my precious experience in my second semester. I would tell something. Honestly, I am not smart person at English, even when I tookapart National Examination, score of English language, I got five or six. It was very small if I compared with the other subjects. When I read pamphlet about Yogyakarta University of Technology or Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, I discussed with my mom about choosing my major. I did not why, my mom preferred if I chose English Literature as my major. Frankly, I have chosen Japanese Language as my major but my mom guessed me in order to choose English Literature. In the beginning, I felt so depressed because my classmates were so smart. Even I was almost left behind them, of course in my study. In addition, they could speak English properly. For resolving my matter, I consulted with adviser of my study. She said that it was okay and if I wanted to get the best score then I have to study harder and harder than my friends. If they played, I have to study, and I have to be different university student in the campus. I always recall that advice hitherto.

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