Purposes of Advertisement, Methods of Advertisement (Creative Writing for Business and Industries) Tujuan Iklan, Metode Membuat Iklan

Well, now I am going to post some methods how to make an advertisement that I have got from my lecturer of Creative Writing for Business and Industries. To be frank, each advertisement has different purpose why that is made.
First is an appeal to emotion. It concerns about pathos, sympathy, or empathy. An advertisement which uses this purposes will look for customer's emotion.
Second is an appeal to logic or reason. If advertisement uses this kind of method or purposes it connects with logic and reason of customer. The point is, that advertisement want to rouse eagerness of customers. Usually, it is showed some facts or proofs on that advertisement. It is to influence mindset of customer about one thing.
Third is an appeal to credibility or character. In this methods, usually, they show an actor or actress to promote their product or service in the advertisement. In the other word, they use a figure who is popular in public and he or she concerns with the product as well.
The last method is the others. For instance, the advertisement use animation, an interesting jargon, a music which is appropriate with souls' customer.
Well, thank you.

Yogyakarta, 28 October 2015
Irfan Suryana

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