Schools of Linguistics written by Irfan Suryana

What is schools of linguistics?
Schools of linguistics is theory or approach of a certain place or certain time regarding linguistics.

What is linguistics?
Linguistics is the scientific study of language.

What is language?
Language is meaningful articulated human sound.

What is scientific?
Scientific means empirical and factual.

What include nature or characteristics of language:
1. Linier
2. Meaningful
3. Systematic
4. Structural

Language can influence somebody.
There is a famous philosopher who names Plato. He contends about language that there is subject in language, what happens to the subject. He introduces Onoma-Rhema. Onoma-Rhema or OnomataRhemata in plural become the first sentence. In the past, persons who can use language can assist somebody from penalty. Aristoteles (a Plato’s student) introduces “Part of Speech” for the first timre. He introduces seven “Part of Speech”. Those are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and pronoun. Now, it adds eight “Part of Speech”, the last is interjection. The Stoick or wise persons formulate a sentence for the first time.

What is sentence?
Sentence is a strange of words which consist ofa single idea.

What is the key to learn language?
The key to learn language are listening, imitating, repeating, or replacing the same category.

Formulating definition of language
There are three levels:
1. La Parole.
La Parole is actual language that is used in real context.
2. La Langue
La langue is the whole system of a certain language that is mastered.
3. Le Language or  Le Langgas is the whole system of language that owned by human in the world.
So, those are chosen to be discussed in linguistics.

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