#Drama Analysis Theme, Plot, and Characterization in Sleepy Hollow (1999) Screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker and Tom Stoppard. Based on “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving written by Irfan Suryana

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A.   Theme
A theme is the main idea from which a writer or an author starts writing a story. The theme is a kind of essential statement which crosses the author’s mind. A theme is then seen as a topic sentence declared by the author which is then developed into a work. Basically, a theme is an universal moral value.
Gothic story’s theme is always universal value of goodness. The theme always shows that the good or the right wins or prevaiks, and the evil or wrong will be always defeated or looses. This is the theme formula of gothic sory.
Theme of Sleepy Hollow are many such as revenge, love, and obsession but I decide to choose one theme to analyze “Sleepy Hollow”. That is revenge. Because it is dominant theme in “Sleepy Hollow”. So, the theme is revenge brings in misery.

A.   Characterization
Gothic story characterization is in many ways different from general story characterization. There is almost no protagonist as the main character usually becomes a victim of crime and is made trapped by a psycophatic person or endangered. Thus, the main character is passive and almost does nothing. In a gothic story like that, the one who plays an important role is a detective as in gothic story formula a detective or one who tries to pursue or find a solution or secret of something is the dominant character.
In a gothic story which does not expose crime but portray adventure or journey more, the main character is at the same time the detective. In the adventure he or she or they tries to achieve or get something precious or solve a solution or secret. The adventure can be physical or imaginary.
The most important character in gothic story is actually created exessively heartless and psychopatic. Yet, this character is made very intelligent and indifferent. Moreover than not, in gothic story, there are ghosts, or monsters, or alien beings. But different from Indonesia/Javanese horror stories, the alien beings or ghists are just creations of the author-not the ones found in society myths or real life.

1)    Characterization of Ichabod Crane
From the beginning, the author has depicted Ichabod Crane to become a constable who is smart and careful because Washington Irving wants to prepare him to be a detective. Besides that, he wants to show that seeing is not believing or the truth is not always appearance. For instance, from the screenplay it can be found that Ichabod Crane endeavors to find the truth  about murder in Sleepy Hollow. People in Sleepy Hollow believe that the only one who does murder with cutting off persons’ head is Horseman, the Hessian but it turns out Lady Van Tassel who controls Horseman to avenge to Van Garrett’s family and Van Tassel’s family.

Characterization of Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane is very smart, careful, and excellent.
a)    Possibly so if there is water in the lungs, but ... by pathologywe might determine whether or not he was dead when he went into the river.
b)    In headless corpse casesof this sort...the head is removed to prevent identification of the body.
c)     The wound was cauterized in the very instant..as though the blade itself were red hot...and yet, no blistering, no scorched flesh.
d)    The Horseman cannot enter! It does not matter who he wants, he cannot cross the gate.
e)     That there are not four victims but five. The Widow Winship was with child!
f)       He feels the mushy scar, picking at its scabs till sap begins to run. Red sap. Ichabod fingers it, sniffs it.
g)    At the trunk, Ichabod thumps the flat and of the axe against the suture. It sounds hollow. He begins to CHOP...He begins into the suture...pulls away loose bark. The tree drips more blood and a goo. Ichabod uses both hands on the axe to hack at the festering suture.
h)    This is...a gateway, between two worlds...
He is very brave.
a)    I stand up, for sense and justice! Our jails overflow with men and women convicted on confessions worth no more than this one.
b)    I beg pardon. I only meant well. Why am I the only one who sees that to solve crimes, to detect the guilty, we must use our barins? – to recognize vital clues, using up-to-date scientific –
c)     Coach lanterns light the way as the coach lumbers along, caressed by tight follage. A wolf is heard howling. Ichabod looks out, unnerved, shuts the window’s curtain.
d)    A century at leas. The assassin is a man of flesh and blood, and I will discover him.
e)     Go on, nothing to be afraid of.
f)       I should like to say...um...I make no assumptions about your occupation, no, your ways, with – which – which are nothing to me...um...whatever you are, each to this own—um—
g)    Do...do you?Well...I’m here to find him and...er...make him stop...
He is risk-taker.
a)    Ichabod Crane is willing to do what Burgomaster says. He asks Ichabod Crane to go to Sleepy Hollow to take his experimentations and deduce, and detect the murdered because three persons have been murdered there and they are found with their head lop off.
b)    Gentlemen! – I need able men, to go with me to the Western Woods. Who will be the first to volunteer?
c)     Neither. To put an end to the killing. To discover the cause and remove it. Who’s with me?
d)    Ichabod and Young Masbath dismount, trying their horses, then heading to the cave. They varrive at the cave door. Ichabod hesitantly KNOCKS.
He uses scientifict tools to observe and analyze something
a)    In Ichabod’s home, there are piles of books and papers, jars of chemiclas. Magnifying glasses, chalkboards covered with scrawl and anatomy charts above a small bed.
b)    Ichabod finds a huge, deep HOOFPRINT. He kneels, pulls his satchel off his shoulder, takes out a BOWL, BOTTLE of WATER and a BAG of POWDER.
c)     Ichabod opens his satchel, takes out a BOTTLE OF GREEN POWDER.
d)    A chemical reaction, it shows there was just a smear of blood, no more.
e)     Ichabod takes odd spectacles from his satchel, wire-framed with many lenses: MAGNIFICATION SPECTACLES. He fumbles putting them on, examines the gross neck wound.
f)       Ichabod takesan INSTRUMENT from his satchel, a delicate SCISSOR MECHANISM TOOL that tapes off into tiny jaws. He uses it, hand shaking, to pick at the flesh.
g)    When we say “operate,” we mean, of course...er, I’ll need the operating table. Lay her out, please.
He analizes something by using heart and brain (reason)
a)    Reverend Steenwyck...gentlemen... murder needs no ghost come from the grave. Which of you have laid eyes on this Headless Horsemen?
b)    We have murders in New York without benefit of ghouls and goblins.
c)     By discovering his reason. It is what we call “the motive.” This mystery will not resist investigation by a Rational Man.
d)    There are no witches, or galloping ghosts either! Is everyone in this village in thrall to superstition.
e)     If they are truth they are not magic – and if magic, not truth.
f)       Ichabod looks thoughtful. He strats copying out details into his Ladger.
g)    The horseman was not set to kill Brom ... or me ... If Brom had not attacked him...
h)    I have discovered something.
i)       The Horseman does not kill for the sake of killing ... he choses his victims.
j)       Therev is no more truth to be found. That is why I can go and leave this wrteched place behind me.
k)     I have a good reason.
l)       I am beaten down by it! It’s a hard lesson for a hard world, and you had better learn it, Young Masbath – villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. Farewell!
m)  No blooding, no clotting, no healing... When this cut was made...this woman was already dead.
n)    Do you believe the father killed her?
o)    The Horseman? How often do I have to tell you there is no Horseman! There never was a Horseman! – and there never will be a Horseman!
p)    You a magistrate! – and your head full of such nonsense! Now tell me the name of –
q)    The Van Garretts, the Widow Winship...your father, Jonathan Masbath...and now Philipse...Something must connect them. Can you think?
r)      There are no witches, or galloping ghosts either! Is everyone in this village in thrall to superstition?
s)      If they are truths, they are not magic – and if magic, not truth.
t)       Ichabod takes out a small penknife and cuts through the shroud. He reveals the belly. He stares at it. Was she pregnant? It’s impossible to tell, But there is the wound of a sword stab in the stomach.
u)    Science...science, Reverend Steenwyck! Someone in Sleepy Hollow is using the Horseman story for his own murderous purpose, and I intend to dig it out.
He struggles for certainity.
a)    Ichabod grabs a long-handled SICKLE, circles them...SWINGS the sickle. The Horseman blocks.
b)    Ichabod crawls, shaking off the blow. The Horseman staggers, trying to pull the blade from his body.
c)     Ichabod hears A DOOR OPEN AND CLOSE, then a CRECK on the stairs. He lights a candle. Then he goes to wake Young Masbath.
He has curiousity.
a)    Ichabod checks the contents of a LEATHER SATCHEL in his lap. He pauses a moment, studying the palm of his hand. Ichabod touches the strange SCARS on both his palms: evenly dispersed, tiny dots of tissue. Many scars. After a moment, he returns to looking through his satchel.
b)    As Ichabod continues he sees that there are two or three Riflemen placed at vantage ponits on the roofs and also, when he looks back, a Riflemen up on the Church Tower. The whole village is like a Western twon waiting for an attack.
c)     Then he suddenly notices something even more interesting: The family tree has a “Van Garret” in it – the husband of Baltus’s father’s sister.
d)    Mr. Killian, I was thinking...about the old widow...
e)     Exactly, So, why was the head removed?
He is gentlemen, polite, and kind-hearted
a)    Ichabod bumps into a few people,exusing himself. He mops his sweety brow, finds a pretty girl.
b)    Pardon my intrusion, I seek Baltus Van Tassel but –
c)     Pardon, ma’am. I am only a stranger.
d)    Thank you. Please tell Mr. Van Tassel I will be down in a moment
e)     I am sorry... Please excuse my manner – I am not used to...
f)       Well, one-and-only Masbath, I thank you, but your mother wilol need you more than I.
g)    And a brave man too, but I cannot be the one to look after you. I am sorry for your loss, young Mister Masbath.
h)    Ichabod dismounts and helps Katrina down from her horse, taking her hand.
i)       Oh – God forgive me – I talk of kisses and you have lost your brave man Brom --
He is a romantic man as well
a)    No ... not nothing. A kiss ... and how rare a thing ... a kiss from a lovely woman before she saw my face or knew my name.
He is very helpful
a)    Wait! Don’t you see? – he’s not after us!
b)    Ichabod releases Brom and moves forward, gripping his wood axe in both hands, SWINGING the axe downward...
c)     Ichabod gets to Baltus’s side, trying to protect.
d)    I...I...tried to stop Brom but...

2)    The Characterization of Lady Van Tassel
From the beginning, the author has depicted Lady Van Tassel as a wife of Baltus Van Tassel. She acts so kind to everyone including Ichabod Crane. For instance, when Ichabod Crane gets a wound because he has fought with Horsemen, Lady Van Tassel hospitalizes him. She is a stepmother of Katrina. However, in the end, she is so cruel, heartless, and evil. She is the one who controls Horseman. She is smart in hiding her true identity. Everyone believes that Horseman kills Peter Van Garret, Dirk Van Garrett, Jonathan Massbeth, and the Widow Winship with her baby. It turns out Lady Van Tassel avenge to Van Garrett’s family and also Van Tassel’s family.

Characterization of Lady Van Tassel
She is so kind to everyone.
a)    Then, Sleepy Hollow is grateful to you, Constable Crane – I hope you will honor this house by remaining with us until ...
b)    You slept like the dead.
c)     Nor would you be but that the servant girl has vanished.
d)    Run away, like many more – people are leaving in fear without ceremony.
e)     Oh...! That harmless old man?
She is smart
a)    Constable, you have not asked me how I hurt my hand since yesterday ... Which would have been polite. In fact you have been as careful not to look at it as not to mention it.
b)    I know you followed last night. You must promise not to tell my husband what you saw ... promise me ...
c)     The easiest part was the first – to enter your house as your mother’s sick nurse and put her body into the grave, and my own into the marriage bed.
d)    No quite so easy was to secure my legacy...but lust delivered Reverend Steenwyck into my power. Fear did the same for the Notary Hardenbrook. The drunken Philipse succumbed for a share of the proceeds, and the Doctor’s silence I exchanged for my complicity in his fornications.
Lady Van Tassel is also heartless
a)    The servangirl, Sarah, I always thought her useless, but she turned, out useful. Tomorrow I’ll totter out of the woods and spin a tale how I found Baltus and Sarah in the act of lust...as I watched, the Horseman was upon them, and off went Sarah’s head! I fainted and remember nothing more...
b)    No my dear – yo do, by your father’s will. But I get everything in the event of your death.
c)     You are just in time to have your head sliced off.
d)    The Horseman comes, And tonight he comes for you.
e)     Run! There is no escape.
She is cruel and evil
a)    Lady Van Tassel GRABS Ichabod by the wrist, tight...
b)    You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.
c)     Rise up once more, my Dark Avenger! – Rise up! – One more night of Beheading! – Rise up with your sword, and your Mistress of the night will make you whole --  a head for a head, my unholy Horseman – rise – rise – rise from the earth, come forth again through the Tree of the Dead...come now for...Katrina!
d)    He saw the Horseman coming to me with his sword unsheated! But it is I who govern Horseman, my dear, and Baltus did not stay to me.
e)     Against Van Garrett, who evicted my family, against Baltus Van Tassel who, with wife and simpering girlchild, stole our home. I swore I would make myself mistress of all they had.
f)       I offered my soul to Satan if he would raise the Hessian from the grave to avenge me.
She is a romantic woman
a)    I’ll bind it later with wild arrowroot flowers – I know where I’ll find some. Will you ride with me?

3)    The Characterization of Katrina Van Tassel
From the beginning, the author has depicted Katrina Van Tassel as a daughter of Baltus Van Tassel. She assists and accompanies Ichabod Crane during Ichabod Crane invesigates a murder in Sleepy Hollow. Sometimes, she is a bit hard when Ichabod Crane offends his father. However, she is a kind-hearted and roamtic girl.

The Characterization of Katrina Van Tassel
Katrina is a kind-hearted person
a)     I am his daughter, Katrina Van Tassel.
b)    She picks up the book and gives it to Ichabood. Take this. It is my gift for you.
c)     Because no one else would go with you.
d)    She smiles a little. Ichabod heartened.
Katrina is a romantic girl
a)     She is about to turn this moment into a kiss – but...
b)    I missed you. Where did you go?
c)     Then have a kiss on account.
Sometimes, Katrina becomes a hard girl.
a)     If you knew my father you would not have such harsh thoughts about him – no, nor if you felt anything for me!
b)    I think you have no heart—and I had a mind once to give you mine.
c)     Goodbye, Ichabod Crane! I curse the day you came to Sleepy Hollow.

B.   Plot
Gothic story plot varies. The most popular one is adventure gothic plot in which the main character is doing a journey or a kind of “research” (investigation) to reach a certain destination or find a secret or truth or a very precious thing. The main character can also play the role of detective. Struggles hard to achieve or get to the target and in doing so faces rivalry or attack of the antagonist character who is psychopatic and obsessive.
The plot of gothic story presents life sequence from a state of experience, from state of nothing to something. The story is arranged complicatelly with multi-plot. Therefore, in one plot there are sub-plots, or story-within-story model. The main character is made victimized by the antagonist pathetic figure who tries to pursue the same target. Crime then really dominates the story. The story suspense is the most significant element of the gothic plot. Suspense building is taken care seriously. One of the good ways to build suspense is creating a supernatural or alien caharacter. The plot is arranged by considering universal theme. Thus, gothic plot despite showing violence must portray a story that the good or right wins the evil or wrong.
Plot of Gothic story is complicated because in one plot there is the others story.

There are some plots in “Sleepy Hollow”:

A.   First plot is about Ichabod Crane
1.     Ichabod Crane’s  Story
Ichabod Crane has a mother who is a witch. His father knows that her wife is a witch so that he askes her to pray and reads Bible. Eventually, he murders his wife. There are scars on Ichabod’s hand because when he is young he places his hands on a spiked chair which is fifted with sharp spikes accidentally. When he is seven, he looses his faith. He believes sense and reason, and also cause and consequence.

2.     The whole story of Sleepy Hollow
A.   When Ichabod is pursued by the Headless Figure He runs by riding Gunpowder. The Headless Figure throws him a horrible face with flaming eyes and mouth rushes forwward. It smashes into Ichabod. Ichabod’s face is haunted, running with the sweat of fear. He is still trembling from the experience. Then, he gets a dream. There are three incidents in Ichabod’s dream:
a)    Ichabod’s dream – Young Ichabod’s cottage
A woman is in the doorway, holding out her arms. She seems to be Katrina as Ichabod first saw her, blindfolded. A YOUNG BOY, aged about seven, runs toward her, with a little bunch of wildflowers.
b)    Ichabod’s dream – Young Ichabod’s  kitchen
The Blindfolded Woman is playing the Pickety Witch Game with Ichabod. He is laughing – scared as she grabs the air looking for him. He is holding the wildflowers he picked. She seizes him, kisses him and takes off the blindfold. It’s not Katrina, but his Mother, a kind and lovely face ... Ichabod’s Mother is “awakened” by this, just in time as Father, a grim Person all in black, enters.
c)     Ichabod’s dream – Young Ichabod’s Bedroom
The cat is on Ichabod’s bed...watching Mother who is entertaining Ichabod with the Bird-in –Cage Spining Disc Toy, which will get to know.

B.   Ichabod gets a dream when he meets Horseman. There are four incidents in his dream:
a)    Ichabod’s dream – Forset
A MILLION WHITE MILKWEED SEEDLINGS are floating in sunlight. Young Ichabod’s laughter is heard. His mother is blowing the seedlings for his delight. She gives him a milkweed pod and she shows him to do it for himself.
b)    Ichabod’s dream – Forest Glade
Ichabood watches as his Mother turns inside the Mushroom Circle, almost dancing. He smiles. Then He sees his Mother stoop to pick a mushroom. She eats it. She looks happy. She droops a small piece of the mushroom. He runs forward and picks it up before she sees him. Ichabood eats it. His mother sees him, takes his hands in hers and dances around in a circle. As Ichabod whizzes around laughing, his POV becoms the Encircling Trees whizzing around, and suddenly he seems to be surrounded by Menacing Headless Figures dressed all in black. Ichabod falls over dizzy and when he looks up he sees that the Headless Figures have become his Father, watching his Mother heedlessly dancing, his face like thunder. His Mother has loosened her clothes and is virtually barebreasted. His father’s eyes begin to glow like live coals as Ichabod cowers away from him.
c)     Ichabod dream – Ichabod’s house
Ichabod’s eyes are spying...through a crack in the kitchen door.
d)    Ichabod’s dream – Young Ichabod’s kitchen
Mother is seated, her head down. Father paces, chasting Mother angrily, his fist balled up in rage. Father continues berating Mother. He picks up his Bible off the table... Father forces Mother to her knees. Mother is afraid, clasping her hands in front of her as Father forces her to pray. Father starts reading from the Bible. In Ichabod’s dream, this is the same Bible from Baltus’s house.

C.   Ichabod gets a dream again when he and Brom have fought with Horseman. There are two incidents in his dream:
a)    Ichabod’s dream – Church
Empty church. Young Ichabod enters, carries a lantern past pews. He HEARS a SOUND, moving behind a pew to hide. Ahead, across the church, a RED DOOR opens...Father and the villainous Thrid Man come out, shutting the door, speaking quietely.
b)    Ichabod’s dream – Church – Beyond the Red Door
The room contains TORTURE DEVICES: IRON CUFFS, THUMB SCREWS, KNIFES and NEEDLES. There is a SPIKED CHAIR, fitted with sharp spikes, adorned with straps for holding down the “accussed.” A shaft of light cuts across a large, sarcophagus-like IRON MAIDEN – where MOTHER”SEYES can e seen through the slit in the Iron Maiden’s face...Finally, Young Ichabod backs away, chocking on misery. He looks around in despair. He falls to his knees at the spiked chair, places his hands on the spikes, pressing. As he sobd, blood runs down from his hands.

3.     The Connection between both:
a)     In the Ichabod’s dream. His mother seems to be Katrina as Ichabod first sees her in blindfolding.
b)    A young Ichabod brings a little bunch of wildflowers. In the Sleepy Hollow, In the cottage, Katrina picks wildflowers. It seems same wildflowers.
c)     In the Ichabod drea,’s his Mother entertains him with the Bird-in-Cage Disc Toy. In the Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane is expert playing Bird-in-Cage Disc Toy. Even he shows to Katrina as well.
d)    In the Ichabod’s dream, he meets a Headless Figures who have become his father. In the Sleepy Hollow, Horseman is Headless as well.
e)     His Father forces his Mother to pray. He starts reading from the Bible. In Ichabod’s dream, this is the same Bible from Baltus’s house.
f)      There are scars on Ichabod’s hand because when he is young he places his hands on a spiked chair which is fifted with sharp spikes accidentally.

B.   Second plot is about The Hessian / Horseman
1. Horseman’s story
a)     The Horseman was a Hessian mercenary, sent to our shores by German princes to keep Americans under the yoke of England. But unlike his compatriots who came for money, the horseman came...for love of carnage...and he was not like the others.The Hessian Horseman rides his black steed into a gory, close-quarters clash, his cloaked uniform adorned with edged weapons. He cuts downAmericans left and right.The Horseman dismounts, hoists a battle axe. With sword and axe, he annihilate. Blood gushes. Bones crack.He rides a giant black steed names Daredevil. He was infamous for taking his horse hard into battle...chopping off heads at full gallop.There is a fight among the Hessian and soldiers.The Hessian hides in the forest.There are two young girls gathering firewood. One girl takes one of her pieces of dry wood and deliberately breaks it, making a noise like a pistol shot.Eventually, the soldier cut off the Hessian’s head. The Horseman’s headless corpse lies in a shallow grave.The soldiers have burried the Horseman in a treeless clearing.

2.     The whole story of Sleepy Hollow
a)     It has been for twenty years. But now the Hessian wakes – he is on the rampage, cutting off heads where he finds them.
b)    All people believe that Horseman is the one who kills people by cutting their heads off.
c)     The Horseman uses his sword to cut people’s heads off.
d)    He rises up with riding Daredevil through the Dead of Tree.

3.     The connection between both
a)     The story of Horseman is narrated by Baltus Van Tassel to Ichabod Crane when they stick together in a living room. In the living room there are Dr. Thomas Lancaster, Reverend Steenwyck, Samuel Philipse, James Hardenbrook, and Ichabod Crane.
b)    The Hessian and Horseman is same person who uses his sword and rides his horse, Daredevil.
c)     The Hessian is burried in the Dead of Tree and The Horseman rises up from his grave through The Dead of Tree.

C.   Thrid plot is about Van Garrett’s family
1.     Van Garrett’s family
Van Garrett’s family is a richest family. He gets married to the Widow Winship secretly therefore he changes his will to the Widow Winship and his unborn child.. Before Old Van Garrett changes his law, the Landlord is given to Van Tassel’s family.
a)    Then he suddenly notices something even more interesting: The family tree has a “Van Garrett” in it – the husband of Baltus’s father’s sister.
b)    Sleepy Holow land is Van Garrett Land. It is given to Katrina’s father.
c)     The Van Garretts are the richest family round these parts even then. When Katrina’s father brought his family to Sleepy Hollow, Van Garrett set him up with an acre and a broken-down cottage, and a dozen of Van Garrett hens. Katrina’s father prospered, and built a new house.
d)    Van Garret Senior left his estate to his next of kin, that is to say, to his only son. However, the son being murdered in the same instant.
e)     The next of kin after the son would be the eldest of the line from Van Garret’s father’s sister...none other than the Baltus Van Tassel: something else no one thought to mention!
f)       He means Old Van Garrett secretly marriedthe Widow Winship.
g)    Of course! And Van Garrett made a new will, leaving everything to her and his unborn child... So she stood between Baltus and the legacy!
h)    Young Masbath...I know why your father died. That night when Van Garrett quarreled with his son, Jonathan Masbath was summoned upstairs to witness the new will.

2.     The whole story of Sleepy Hollow
Baltus Van Tassel is very afraid that the Landlord is no longer owned him anymore so that he asks a help from Parson Sttenwyck, Doctor Lancaster, Magistrate Philipsse,  and Notary Hardenbrook to manipulate the will. Lady Van Tassel knows that Van Tassel’s family also gets involved about the Landlord. Therefore, she becomes his wife of Baltus Van Tassel. There are evidence of that statement:
a)    But the secret was not safe. Mrs. Killian the midwife was forewarned the baby was coming – and so she, too, had to die.
b)    The marriage certificate. Parson Sttenwyck married them. Doctor Lancaster confiirmed the widow was pregnant. She told the secret to Magistrate Philipsse. Notary Hardenbrook concealed the documents...
c)     And you all kept silence! Why?... For some nameless dread of the man who stood to gain it – Baltus Van Tassel.

3.     The connection between both
The background of Van Garret’s family also becomes a reason why Lady Van Tassel rises up the Hessian to be Horseman to avenge them. There is an evidence of that statement:
Not quite so easy was to secure my legacy...but lust delivered Reverend Steenwyck into my power. Fear did the same for the Notary Hardenbrook. The drunken Philipse succumbed for a share of the proceeds, and the Doctor’s silence I exchanged for my complicity in his fornications.

D.   Fourth plot is about Van Tassel’s Family
1.     Van Tassel’s family
The members of Van Tassel’s family are Baltus Van Tassel, Elizabeth Van Tassel, and Katrina Van Tassel. They are a poor family but after Van Garret’s family assist them, they become rich. When Elizabeth Van Tassel is sick and someone who becomes her nurse is Lady Van Tassel. After she dies, Baltus Van Tassel gets married to Lady Van Tassel. There are evidence of that statement:
a)    ... against Baltus Van Tassel who, with wife and simpering girlchild, stole our home. I swore I would make myself mistress of all they had.
b)    They were my mother’s books...my father frowned at them then, and would frown at me now. He believes tales of romance caused the brain fever that killed my mother. She died two years ago come midwinter.
c)     The nurse who cared for her during her sickness is now Lady Van Tassel.
d)    The Van Garretts are the richest family round these parts even then. When Katrina’s father brought us  to Sleepy Hollow, Van Garrett set him up with an acre and a broken-down cottage, and a dozen of Van Garrett hens. My father prospered, and built us a new house. I owe my happiness to him. I remember living poor in the cottage. Should I show you?
e)     Ichabod sees that Katrina’s name is written on the endpaper, and in a different hand, her mother’s name, “Elizabeth Van Tassel.”

2.     The whole story of Sleepy Hollow
Ichabod Crane arrives in Sleepy Hollow and he arrives in Van Tassel house. There are evidence of that statement:
a)    In the Van Tassel house, Ichabod puts down his bags (a suitcase and a leather box-bag) but keeps his satchel.
b)    The open door reveals the MAIN HALL and FOYER.
c)     There’s a harvest party in progress. PEOPLE are gathered. QUITE MUSIC is heard from elsewhere.
d)    She kisses him laughingly and takes the blindfold off the reveal a stunning beauty; KATRINA VAN TASSEL. She smiles. Ichabod tries to compose himself, stricken by the sight of her.
e)     We now SEE that the voice belongs to BALTUS VAN TASSEL, a working-class self-made Mr. Big with a sympathetic smile.
f)       LADY VAN TASSEL stands behind him, a mix of homespun wife and well-kept lady.

3.     The Connection between both
a)     Van Tassel house becomes a place in which Ichabod Crane stays when he investigates the case of murder in Sleepy Hollow.
b)    The protagonist character, Lady Van Tassel, lives in the house.

E.   Fifth plot is about the background of life of Lady Van Tessel
1.     The background of life of Lady Van Tassel
Lady Van Tassel’s family name is Archer. She and all her family (her father, her mother, and her sister) lives in a gamekeeper’s cottage. One day her father dies and she, her mother, and her sister are evicted from the landlord. There is no one who cares them because her mother is suspected of witchcraft. Lady Van Tassel believes that her mother is no witch. Her mother keeps moving forward. She schooles her daughters in the Western Woods. Her mother also dies. There are evidence of this statement:
a)    My family name was...Archer.
b)    I lived with my father and mother and my sister in a gamekeeper’s cottage not far from here.
c)     Until one day, my father died, and the landlord who received many years of loyal service from my parents...evicted us. No one in this God-fearing town would take us in. Because my mother was suspected of witchcraft. She is no witch, but I believe she knew much that lies under the surface of life...and she schooled her daughters in the Western Woods. She died within a year...and my sister and I remained in our refuge, seeing not a soul...until, gathering firewood one day, we crossed the path of the Hessian.

2.     The whole story of Sleepy Hollow
Lady Van Tassel meets the Hessian when she and her sister gather firewood. They stand frozen at the sight of the Hessian. Lady Van Tassel drops her firewood. She sees how the Hessian is killed by the soldiers and she also watches the burial of the Hessian and sees the Hessian’s head is dropped into the grave. From that time, she offers her soul to Satan if he would raise the Hessian from the grave to avenge her. Therea are evidence of that statement:
a)    The Hessian Horseman (avec head) has happened upon TWO YOUNG GIRLS gathering firewood. The girl stand frozen at the sight of him, till one girl drops her firewood and runs...I saw his death, and from that moment I offered my soul to Satan if he would raise the Hessian from the grave to avenge me.
b)    Against Van Garrett, who evicted my family, against Baltus Van Tassel who, with wife and simpering girlchild, stole our home. I swore I would make myself mistress of all they had.
c)     No quite so easy was to secure my legacy...but lust delivered Reverend Steenwyck into my power. Fear did the same for the Notary Hardenbrook. The drunken Philipse succumbed for a share of the proceeds, and the Doctor’s silence I exchanged for my complicity in his fornications.

3.     The Connection between both
a)     Lady Van Tassel tells about herself to Katrina. She tells about the reason why she wants to avenge to Van Garrett’s and Van Tassel’s family. She wants to take the landlord back to her.

b)    The Hessian becomes Horseman because Lady Van Tassel raises him up to avenge Van Garrett’s and Van Tassel’s family.

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