What Is Deixis? Several Definitions of Deixis According to Some Experts or Researchers “Let’s Learn Pragmatics”


What Is Deixis?
Several Definitions of Deixis According to Some Experts or Researchers

“Let’s Learn Pragmatics”

Compiled by Irfan Suryana (30 September 2020)

(https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photo-of-man-using-laptop-1438081/ by Buro Millennial)

Hello everyone!

Have you known what deixis is? If you have not, please do not worry because in this moment I would like to share about some definitions of deixis. I have gathered some definitions about it from any sources on the internet.

1. Sasmita, Hardiah, & Elfrida (2018)

Deixis is the study of deictic or indexical expressions in language dialogues, prologues, and monologue like you, now, today. Deixis can be classifies as a special kind of grammatical property, dealing with more familiar grammatical categories of personal, place, and time.

2. Yule (1996)

Deixis is technical term for one of the most basic things we do with utterances.

3. Wahyudi (2012)

Deixis is a word which its reference always moves or changes depending on the context. It is also stated that deixis is a part of pragmatics that has connection with certain word or sentence that changes due to the context.

4. Ogeyik (2007) 

Deictic expression helps readers or listeners to visualize or imagine the fictional circumstances reflected in the conversation texts. They can capture where and when the stort rakes place; who sees the events; who talks and to whom he is talking, and the like.

5. Huang (2007)

A language without deictics cannot serve the communicative needs of its users as effectively as language which does have them without the relevant deictics information, one would not know who to meet, where, when, to meet the writer of the message or how long a magic want to bring.

6. Rankema (1993)

Deixis is used to denote the elements in a language which refer directly to the situation. It means that what the speakers or writers wants is not always the same with the readers and listeners view so deictic words need to be explained in order to have the same view between the reader and the writer or between the speaker and the listener.

7. Levinson (1983)

Deixis obviously reflects the correlation between language and context in the structure of language.

That’s all about several definitions of deixis. If you have or know the other definitions, please feel free to comment on the comment box below. Thank you very much.


Ekowati, A. and Ahmad S. 2014. The Use of Pragmatic Deixis in Conversation Texts in “Pathway to English”: Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan Journaltional Researchof Education, 43(2), 71 – 77

Sasmita, R., Mei Hardiah, and Elfrida. 2018. An Analysis of Deixis and its Reference Used by Main Character in “A Thousand Words” Movie Script By Steve Koren: Journal of English Educational Teaching (JEET), 2(1), 68 – 85.

Wahyudi. 2012. Pragmatics Study on Deixis in the Jakarta Post Editorial.

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