Unspoken Love

Unspoken Love

"Love is unspoken"

Written by Irfan Suryana

(https://unsplash.com/photos/LaHo9Set3bI by Alex Iby)

I looked up to the cloudy sky when sitting in the woody chair and I saw as if the sky was crying witnessing what was happening recently. I wondered whether hope was still alive in my life or it had gone forever. I still did not know the answer. I then looked around, my eyes were trying to catch something but I found nothing, only the silence. I stood up and started to walk. I did not exactly understand about my feelings. I just felt nothing and my confusion initiated to haunt my mind. This city, especially this place, was the beginning of my love story. I really loved Yogyakarta and I liked the whole things about it. I had studied here since 2013 so that it had been almost 7 years I was here. Everything became greater than before when I met a generous girl in this place, Malioboro, 3 years ago. We used to be together and had wonderful moments that I could not forget. We often spent night here making unforgettable conversation till midnight came. We always shared our story to each other. I still did remember the moment when she talked about her likes.

“Jonathan, can you guess what are my likes?”, asked Mawar.

“Oh my God, you want me to guess your likes? Mmmhh, it is hard you know but of course I will try”, answered me optimistically.

“Very good. You are indeed my best friend”,

“I think, you like chocolate and lemon juice don’t you?”

“Mmmmh, you are super. They are indeed my likes. Then what’s else?”

“Perhaps, you like me as well,” I laughed when I said that.


In that moment, Mawar just laughed about my answer, while I was serious to say that statement. However, it was okay because seeing she laughed was my own happiness too. The shadow of my past time about her could not be replaced by anything. She was more precious than anything. I tried to forget all about her but I could not. She was always present wherever I went, including this time in Malioboro.

Malioboro was different in this time. It became very quiet since the virus was the visitor in this globe. Malioboro was silent as if it did not want to comment or chriticize about the virus that became celebrity in all over the world. News, radio, TV, and so on broadcasted the virus. It made me sick and it made the situation worst. The woody chairs were empty like my heart. There was no soul in this moment. My tears suddenly fell down slowly. I was very sad as well because I saw the trade stopped as if it did not want to see the virus. Moreover, all people hid in their own home rejecting the existence of the virus. Malioboro lost its audience and the virus got the audience. I was alone walking in every corner of Malioboro. I thought I would get the inspiration or motivation like before but it turned out there was none of them. However, at least I could remind again that the unspoken love truly existed and I became the main character. I prayed the cloudy sky was gone and the virus was away because it hurt me a lot and I prayed in the same time my love would greet me again just like the blooming flower.

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