20 Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense dan Artinya

Hi, everyone! How do you do?

Today, we're going to learn about 20 Sentences of Nominal Simple Present Tense.

(Photo by Buro Millennial:

Here are 20 Examples of Sentences of Nominal Simple Tense.

1. She is a teacher. (Dia {perempuan} seorang guru)

2. I am a student. (Saya seorang siswa).

3. He is a doctor. (Dia {laki-laki} seorang dokter)

4. They are musicians. (Mereka adalah para musisi)

5. We are friends. (Kita adalah teman)

6. It is a cat. (Itu adalah seekor kucing)

7. The book is on the table. (Buku itu di atas meja)

8. The pen is in my hand. (Pena itu ada ditanganku)

9. The tree is tall. (Pohon itu tinggi)

10. The sky is blue. (Langit itu berwarna biru)

11. I am not a singer. (Saya bukan seorang penyanyi)

12. She is not a dancer. (Dia {perempuan} bukan seorang penyanyi)

13. He is not a writer. (Dia {laki-laki} bukan sorang penulis)

14. They are not actors. (Mereka bukan para aktor)

15. We are not athletes. (Kami bukan para atlet)

16. It is not a dog. (Itu bukan seekor anjing)

17. The book is not on the chair. (Buku itu tidak ada di atas kursi)

18. The pen is not in my pocket. (Pena itu tidak ada di dalam sakuku)

19. The tree is not short. (Pohon itu tidak pendek)

20. The sky is not green. (Langit itu bukan berwarna biru)

For the complete explanation, you can watch:

That's all about 20 Examples of Sentences of Nominal Simple Present Tense. Thank you so much for reading!

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