20 Contoh Kalimat Verbal Simple Present Tense dan Artinya

 Hi, everyone! How do you do?

Today, we're going to learn about 20 Sentences of Verbal Simple Present Tense.

(Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile:

Here are 20 Examples of Sentences of Verbal Simple Tense.

1. I walk to school everyday. (Saya berjalan kaki ke sekolah setiap hari)

2. She likes to eat pizza. (Dia {perempuan} suka makan pizza).

3. He plays basketball every weekend. (Dia{laki-laki} bermain bola basket setiap akhir pekan)

4. They go to the beach every summer. (Mereka pergi ke pantai setiap musim panas)

5. I work 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. (Saya bekerja dari jam 9 sampai dengan jam 5, dari hari Senin sampai hari Jumat)

6. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. (Matahari terbit di sebelah Timur dan terbenam di sebelah Barat)

7. Water bolis at 100 degrees Celcius. (Air mendidih pada 100 derajat Celcius)

8. The Earth revolves around the Sun. (Bumi ini mengitari matahari)

9. I live in New York City. (Saya tinggal di kota New York)

10. She lives in Indonesia. (Dia {Perempuan} tinggal di Indonesia)

11. He lives in Tokyo. (Dia {Laki-laki} tinggal di Tokyo)

12. I love to travel. (Saya suka bepergian)

13. She loves to read comic. (Dia {Perempuan} suka membaca komik)

14. He loves to listen to music. (Dia {laku-laki} suka mendengarkan musik)

15. I can speak English, Spanish, and French (Saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris, Spanyol, dan Prancis)

16. She can dance very well. (Dia {Perempuan} bisa menari dengan sangat baik)

17. I eat breakfast every morning. (Saya sarapan setiap pagi)

18. Mu uncle drinks coffee every day. (Paman saya minum kopu setiap hari)

19. Jhon works out every week. (Jhon berolahraga setiap minggu)

20. I study for my exam. (Saya belajar untuk ujian saya)

For the complete explanation, you can watch:

That's all about 20 Examples of Sentences of Verbal Simple Present Tense. Thank you so much for reading!

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