Going To Internet Cafe written by Irfan Suryana

Today I went to internet cafe nearby senior high school. I intended to download some applications for my tablet because my apps vanished. I went there by walking through rice fields and rivers. It took time about thirty minutes. I was so weary. I brought my tablet in order to save my apps later in  such kind of plastic because I did not use bag on my back. In the internet cafe I met friend of mine when we were in the same school. It was in SMA Negeri 1 Rancah. He named Deden. He was such a kind person. He looked more handsome than he was. Besides that, I uploaded three videos of mine. In the begining I wanted to upload all my videos on Youtube but unfortunately the connection was not stable and I chose only three videos which there were my friends and my family. After all things finished I decided to go back home. I asked a keeper of internet cafe in order to know how much money which was needed to pay the cost. He said you had to only pay Rp 5000,00 because you were in package of two hours. I paid it, then. I thanked to him and left internet cafe. I passed a stall in which meat ball was sold there. I extremely want to buy it for my mom but I was afraid my money would be not enough for buying it. So I decided to pass it sadly. In the trip, I did not use similar way to go home but I viewed my parents' garden. I stopped there for a moment and I looked around. It remained me when I was a kid I played in the pool and took kedondong. It was my amazing memory. Unfortunately I could not go back again in the same situation with same time. It would be impossible thing. Going back to a keeper of Internet Cafe. I guessed I recognized him. He was the one who was given his comment one of my videos on YouTube. Even he shared my video on his blog. My video was about my performance when I sang a song from Maher Zain in the class. That song was Insya Alloh. I sang it as my final assignment in Art and Culture in class of XI Social 4. In that time, one of my friends recorded it in her mobile phone. I was so excited because my teacher praised me because of my amazing performance. Even I did not believe that I could sing beautifully. After that I asked that video and I uploaded on YouTube. I did not suppose that he would upload my video. I still remember his comment, he said "wow, a young boy from Rancah has great courage. He sang in front of his friends. I am amazed him". I told my mom about this. She seemed happy in that time. I do not know his real name hitherto. I recognize him on Facebook as well. I think he is such a friendly person.

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