Living In This Planet written by Irfan Suryana

Today I was aware about one thing that I was born in this world by God to be a greatest person. I got one clue from one of songs from Glee that we all were born in this planet to be superstars. So I assumed that we have same precious chance or opportunity with our friends, our lecturers, president, artist, or all people who live in the Earth. I did mistake when I always thought about one people who had capability in their major and it explained that they must be honored or respected by the others and I trapped in that thoughts. I ever admired someone who had many achievements in his life and I was often shame if I met him. Now I realized, not complete, but it is enough for me in order to do what I have to be done by myself. God has created human with strength and weakness fairly. If I always mind about my weakness all the time without thinking how to minimize or cover with or strength that it is not owned by the others person of course I will be down and feel that I am nobody. In this world, there is no impossible thing if I attempt totality of course I can get what I really want. In this time and forever I will be trying to be myself completely and loving who I am steadily.

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