Cocked due to Bonefish written by Irfan Suryana

Today I felt so lazy because I was sick. It was caused I was choked by eating pickled fish. Food that I have never liked since I was kid is fish. People around me like fish. They can cook fish into variant dishes, like fried fish, pickled fish, etc. My brother-in-law like fishing. Even nearby his workplace there is a big river in which is used by people for taking a bath, washing their vehicles, utilizing energy of water into electric power. I have ever visited his workplace when my friends, Umam & Yakfi, and I visited Umam's house in order to make good relationship with his parents. We took many photos at bridge of Tangkolo. Beneath the bridge there is big river, names Cijolang. He always fishes by using hook or net. If he gain many fishes, he will give some, for sure, to my mother. Before he got married with my sister, his hobby is still fishing. I cannot imagine why he likes fishing so much rather than the other hobbies,  it can be he likes at swimming, planting, and so on. I understand that if we like something so much, it can be hard to leave it. Even we want to improve our hobby, for example we give more time to do our hobby. Going back again why I do not like fish. I do not why I do not like it whereas fish has many nutritions that are needed or required by our body, notably it has protein. Moreover fish is easy to be found in market and cheaper than meat. Although fish has many benefits I still do not like it. Even I have a thought that if I will get married I do not want fish in my marriage party. I know that it is not common but it is my decision. Honestly I do not hate or anger if people like eating fish because it is not my matter. Well, I will write my story about choked fish bone. One day, in the morning, I was so hungry. I extremely want to eat something. Hence I went to the kitchen looking for food. I took plate and spoon and I commenced taking cooked rice. I saw on the table that there is no food unless pickled fish. Next, I took some of it and I put on my plate. After that, I kindled TV and watched program of TV. Probably, I focused myself on TV so that I did not pay attention eating pickled fish. It was sudden, a bonefish entered in my throat. I still remember the time when it was happening. It occurred at 08.30 am. When I am writing this note I am still feeling sick due to fishbone.

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