Iron written by Irfan Suryana

My mom borrowed an iron from my sister. Fortunately she lent her iron for my mother. My mom does not iron in order to make her clothes neat so far. After she spreads out in the sun to dry she just folds her clothes and saves in cupboard or hangs them by using a rope in her bedroom. Frankly she has iron in the past time but she has given it to me in order to be brought to Yogyakarta. I think that she has sacrificed her importance to me. She know completely that I cannot iron if I do not have iron. I ought to buy for my mom an iron. I do not realize about things are really required by mom. I always mind myself. Today she ironed my clothes as well because she has been preparing many things to me in order to go back to Yogyakarta again whereas I scarce iron my clothes because electricity of my boarding house sometimes is not enough. Probably it is caused by many people who is using electricity too much so that the capacity is not enough. For resolving this matter, I have a manner. If I want to iron my clothes I have to iron them early before my friends get up. Honestly, I have paid the cost of electricity but I do not why it always happened in my boarding house. A friend of mine has ever told to me that it was caused by the capacity was changed by the owner of my boarding house. Maybe he intended to make our boarding house better in electricity but the true is not like that. It is contrast with the fact. However, I am grateful whatsoever happends in my love due to my mom. She is always next to me. Though we are separated by a distantce we feel always nearer than anything. I want to have everything in this world but I extremely want to make her happy first though.

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