Mu Suffering in My Holiday (Getting Sprue in My Mouth) written by Irfan Suryana

I got sprue in my mouth. It makes me so painful. I do not speak Bahasa well. The words that I speak is not clear. I have to repeat my words if I say something to someone. It consumes my energy too much. I become a weary and weak person. Oh my, what is wrong with me? Probably I lack vitamin C so that metabolism of my body become weary. Moreover I am still cocked. There have been fishbone in my throat. It completes all my sufferings in holiday in this year. My mom has bought for me "vitacimin" from stall. She has to pay Rp 2000,00 to buy it whereas I know that she doesn't have much money although it is small numeral for common people. If there are people who accost me, I have to accost back them but it is hard to be done now because of this sprue. I recall memorable moment when my sister bought "vitacimin" for me. It was her initiative. I am so glad having her in my life. I did not suppose that she would do it just for me. This kind of disease makes my life harder because it hamper my good habit, for example taking water from a well, sweeping on the floor, etc. I do not know why my sister and I always got sprue in our mouth but now I am luckier I am home than I am in Yogyakrta because in home there is my mom who always take cares of me meanwhile in Yogyakarta I have to care by myself and heal sprue by using medicine from pharmacy or of can be healed by itself. Probably the condition will be different if there is no my mom next to me. I have ever felt when I was in Yogyakarta I have got sprue in my mouth and I have suffered because of that. Even friends of mine walked me in order to go to hospital. I checked up there and a Dr. has given me some recipe of medicine. Before I entered into a room, I have to register myself in registration of patient. After he exadirecty , I met up laboratory directly and I paid all cost in cashier. In that time, my mom was so miserable knowing my condition in Yogyakarta. Even she said she was not composed or calm in home, when she would eat something, she remembered me and wondered what I have eaten something there. As we know if we got sprue, our appetite became unstable. Hence I became tiny and of course weight of my body decreased as well. For resolving my matter, probably, I have to often consume vitamin c, like it is from fruit or vegetable. I have known from On The Spot (a tv program on Trans 7) that chili has more vitamin c rather than orange. Oh my, it is so fantastic. Chili includes into classification of vegetable, not fruit.

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