My Real Stort, My True Friend, Erick Risnawan written by Irfan Suryana

My mom has prepared food for friend of mine. He names Erick Risanawan. I have recognized him for three years. I first time met him when I take apart a national competition. So, I am going to narrate my story about that.
When I was a student of senior high school in second grades, I was chosen by vice headmaster to take apart in Olympian Astronomy as a representative from my school in level of regency. I did not why he chose me because I did not have capability in astronomy. I knew that I was a student of social class but I just got some common subject, not specific, like economics, geography, sociology, accountancy, etc. Astronomy was taught in geography but I just got little knowledge about astronomy in class. You know what happened about competition in regency. A miracle was happening in that time when I was doing many questions on paper that I  was capable finishing all questions because I did not know true answers, I just guessed one by one using my feeling. Vice headmaster said that it was recognized in order to select some representatives in Olympian Astronomy in level of province. When I was in class he accosted and greeted me, he congratulated me that I was selected as a representative in Olympian Astronomy in level of province in which it will be held in Cianjur, in a hotel. All friends of mine clapped to me and it made me so shy. When my departure has came, I and vice headmaster went to regency office in Ciamis with driving motorcycle. During the trip, I felt sleepy, I almost slept on seat of his motorcycle. Arriving there, I was surprised because many people  were waiting for me. We all prayed directly and I did not rest or break first though. I said goodbye and thank to my vice headmaster because he was willing to walk me for free. For the first time, I was in fancy car which is owned by Ciamis regency. During the trip I did not speak anything, I was only silent until I endeavored to speak to someone who was sitting next to me. I accosted and greeted him. After I asked his name he told me that his name was Erick Risnawan. He came from Banjarsari and he became a representative of Technology Computer from his school. The other representatives just neglected me and they seemed so cocky. Maybe it occurred because I was from a far area that frankly I was not proper to take apart a competition like that. When our all group stopped in a restaurant I went to public toilet and I asked Erick to wait me for a moment because I did not want to be forsook. I was so glad because he was such a godly young men that he treated me very well. He was so neat and respectful. When our car quited for a while to pray dzuhur in the mosque I endeavored to speak with the other representatives but they were still like before, treating me with bad attitude. I was amazed because a place in which would be used for the competition was amazing. It was completed with swimming pool, park, hall, etc. It was my first time stepping in a hotel. All representatives were divided in some group of bedroom. Erick and I were in same bedroom accidentally. In the bedroom I was ever be "imam" for praying 'isya. I boasted myself because I was like a leader from a little village in front of smart people there. He introduced someone for me who had same competition, of course it was about Olympian Astronomy. She named Sugiarti. We studied together in balcony. That night I tried my hardest in order to learn all titles on my astrological book that I borrowed from library. A day that I had been waiting for it came, I would compete my knowledge about Astronomy with smart people from different city in West Java. The last day, all representatives were walk around hotel. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo there because I did not have smartphone or a mobile phone that was completed with feature of camera. We were there three days and we were so happy.
That is my real story how I can meet my best friend ever because after that competition, Erick always communicates me hitherto. Even when I was cutting grass Erick texted me, he asked me where I would continue my study after graduating from senior high school. I was comfortable because he has been studying in Yogyakarta as well, like me. In Yogyakarta, I am always accompanied by him and he often invites me in order to hang out or play around Yogyakarta. Today, he visited to my home. I was really happy. Thank for everything, Erick Risnawan, hopefully our relationship will always continue until we die.

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