#Children and Teen Literature Cinderella Formula in Camp Rock - Analysis of Camp Rock written by Irfan Suryana

A. Characterization of Mitchie Torres
Early on, the author has depicted Mitche as the character of Cinderella who is poor but she has capability at singing. The author wants to show that "be yourself" is an important thing in this life. Besides that, the author wants to show that effort is a part to get success.

Characterization of Mitchie
She is a poor girl.
She wants to go to Camp Rock but her parents cannot afford it. Suddenly, her mom tells her that she can go to Camp Rock because her mom becomes a caterer in Camp Rock and Mitchie have to help her as well in the kitchen.
She is a mysterious girl.
She becomes a mysterious girl when Mitchie sings in a room and someone who is known as a part of Connect Three hears her beautiful voice. He names Shane Gray. His mission in Camp Rock becomes looking a girl who has that voice.
She is kind-hearted
She is gentle to everyone in Camp Rock. She always greets everyone.
She listens to Shane Gray's posers and she supports him that everyone will like his song.
She forgives Tess and her friends, Peggy and Ella who always intimidate her during she is in Camp Rock.
She is very good-looking
Her beauty mesmerizes Shane Gray as well.
She is a tough girl
Although, some of campers hate her and intimidate her such as Tess, she doesn't give up easily she keeps moving forward in order to achieve her dream to be a singer.
Even though she has been banned to perform in Final Jam of Camp Rock because she and her friend, Caitlyn Gellar is accused by Tess that they have stole her bracelet, she keep moving forward. Eventually, she can perform and sing "This is me" with Shane Gray although her performance is still not in line up.
She is a very talented girl
Indeed, she is a poor girl but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have a passion. Her passion is at singing. All people who hear her voice will be amazed of her voice.
She is a liar
In order to get along with popular trio in Camp Rock, Mitchie hides her true identity. That popular trio is Queen Bee Tess, Peggy, and Ella. Mitchie introduces herself to them that her mother is the president of Hot Tunes TV China although her mother is also in Camp Rock as a Caterer.
She is a romantic girl
She often goes with Shane Gray. When she and Shane Gray row together and it makes Tess is so jealous.

B. Characterization of Shane Gray
From the beginning, the author has depicted Shane Gray to become a popular singer who is loved by girls. He is a real jerk and arrogant with his fame so that Nate Gray and Jason Gray who are members of Connect Three advise him to keep going to Camp Rock. He is a curious guy looking for a beautiful voice when he hears that voice accidentally. He is also not confident at his talent that is why Mitchie supports him. The author wants show the character of Shane Gray as in Cinderella.

Characterization of Shane Gray
He is a popular guy
Many people in Camp Rock know Shane Gray because he is a popular singer. He gather together with Connect Three that group is produced by Camp Rock as well. In that group he is with Nate Gray, and Jason Gray.
He is a handsome and romantic guy
Many girls like him even when he and Mitchie row. It makes Tess jealous of them.
He is kind-hearted
Shane Jane eventually makes Mithcie to step out from her lie about her true identity and "be herself".
He is finally kind to everyone in Camp Rock.
He is a real jerk
In the beginning, Shane Gray does not agree to go to Camp Rock but because he is invited by Daniel Fathers who is his uncle and who runs Camp Rock.
He is a curious guy
When he runs from mass, he hears a beautiful voice from a girl accidentally. He tries to look for a girl who has that voice. It becomes his mission to keep staying in Camp Rock.
He does not believe in his capability
Even though he is a famous singer but he is doubtful about his ability at writing a song. When he sings his own song, he Is afraid to show it to his fans. However, after Mitchie encourages him, he becomes confident.
He believes that seeing is believing
When Tess finds out about Mitchie's secret and tells the entire camp, Shane thinks that Mitchie deceives him and she just uses him.

C. Characterization of Tess Tyler
From the beginning, the author has depicted Tess Tyler to become a rival with the antagonist, Mitchie Torres. She is capable at singing, good looking, and cruel. The author has depicted Tess Tyler as a daughter of the famous T.J. Tyler. Therefore, she wishes to be a singer, like her mother. She is the one who reveal Mitchie's secret to the entire camp in order to make Shane Gray hates Mitchie Torres. However, she is annoyed by his mother because her mother does not care much to her.

Characterization of Tess Tyler
She is capable at singing
She wishes to be a singer like her mother.
She is good looking
The author has depicted antagonist character as a good looking one.
She is cruel
When she knows that Mitchie is always together with Shane Gray, she becomes jealous of Mitchie. After she finds out about Mitchie's secret, she directly tells it to the entire camp.
In order to make Mitchie does not perform in Final Jam, she accuses Mitchie and Caitlyn robbing her bracelet and she is successful in doing that.

B. Plot
In Camp Rock, the author wants to show story as Cinderella Formula. It is begun when there is a protagonist character who is poor but good looking and kind-hearted. She names Mitchie Torres. She has to struggle in achieving her dream to be a singer. In the beginning her mom says that she cannot go to Camp Rock because her mother cannot afford it. Suddenly, her mother says to Mitchie that she can go to Camp Rock because her mother, Connie Torres, becomes a caterer in Camp Rock and Mitchie has to help her in the kitchen as well. In Camp Rock, Mitchie wants to join with trio popular girls, Tess, Peggy, and Ella. Because there are many persons who are rich, she introduces to them that her mother is the president of Hot Tunes TV China. Because of that, trio popular girls welcome Mitchie to bunk with them.
The author wants to show someone who has curiosity as Prince in Cinderalla. He names Shane Gray. He is the one who is popular singer with his band Connect Three. The members are Shane Gray, Nate, and Jason. In the beginning, he feels not comfortable in the Camp Rock. He wants to go back but her uncle, Daniel Fathers, asks him to keep staying in Camp Rock until the end. When he hears a girl singing and her voice mesmerizes him. He becomes curious and he obviously wants to know her identity. Therefore, he wants to keep staying in Camp Rock. Moreover, Mitchie Torres has to struggle again because the antagonist character who is trio popular becomes her rival. They always intimidate her even when one of them names Tress knows that Mitchie is always with Shane Gray, she becomes jealous. Frankly, she likes him as well. The author has depicted Tress as the antagonist character who is not fully black but she is good-looking, capable at singing, but she is cruel. She wants to be a singer like her mother. In addition, after Tress knows Mitchie's secret, she tells to the entire camp and it causes Shane Gray hates to Mitchie as well.
As Cinderella, the main character is not alone, she is always accompanied by his friend, names Caitlyn Gellar. Honestly, Caitlyn Cellar has known about Mitchie's secret after she is given a punishment by Daniel Father to assist in the kitchen. In the end of the story as Cinderella story, protagonist character wins and antagonist character loses. Although Tess keep trying to make Mitchie fails in ever thing by accusing her that Mitchie and Caitlyn has stolen her bracelet so that Mitchie and Caitlyn are banned to perform in the Final Jam by Daniel Fathers, Mitchie has a way to keep performing in the Final Jam. Daniel Fathers permits her but she is not in the line. Mitchie performs "This Is Me". When Shane listens to her voice, suddenly, she knows that a girl who has beautiful voice is Mitchie, a girl who has been looked for by Shane during he is in Camp Rock. Eventually, Shan joins singing together with Mitchie. Mitchie then forgives Tess and her companies.

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