Keep Up Spirit in Learning English written by Irfan Suryana

Keep Up Spirit in Learning English

            English language is not native language in Indonesia but it is just a foreign language that is obligated for all students including the ones who have been in university. Therefore they always fail in the English examination. To be honest, if they can keep up their spirit in learning English, they will succeed because there is no impossible thing in this world if people make extra efforts. There are some tips to keep up spirit in learning English.

            Making a list of such important things is the first tip. Sometimes, students cannot manage their times because they do not know which one they have to do first. They should make a list of their activity including their homework. If they make it, it means that they prioritize some things in their life, not ignore the other ones that is truly important to do.

            Second tip is doing what you like after you are getting bored in study. All people have hobby, for example reading novel, watching the movie, etc.  It is needed to be done because students do not force themselves in study, it can be bad for them. For example, their body will be sick. In the beginning they expect to get high score but what they get is just disappointment.

            Third tip is doing two tips above continuously. It does not matter how hard they are but students have to do it continuously. All people in this world avoid many bad things so it is high time for them, especially students, to make sure that they are in a positive way. It means that they have already known that two tips above are really good for their study in English or many subjects.

In brief, there is no impossible thing in this world except people judge a certain thing as hard thing and impossible thing. Learning English is easier than what they think if they know how to learn it. Three tips above are very appropriate tips for learners to keep up spirit in learning English.

Yogyakarta, March 28, 2016

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