Several Definitions of Active Learning According to Some Experts or Some Researchers

 Hi everyone, how are you today?

In this opportunity, I would like to share about several definitions of Active Learning according to some experts or some researchers that I collected from any sources.

1. Panopto (2019)

Active Learning is an instructional approach that engages students in the material they are learning through problem-solving activities, writing assignments, group discussion, reflection activities, and any other task that promotes critical thinking about the subject.

2. Rodriguez (2018)

Active Learning is a method that involves the students in the instructional process through the use of relevant activities and discussions. This method stimulates and reinforces the studentsconceptual understanding of course material by engaging them within the lesson process. 

3. Drew (2020)

Active Learning as a constructivist-based approach to learning which emphasizes the importance of learning through experience rather than absorbing facts verbatim from the teacher.

4. Isnan (2016)

Active Learning requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing. It is often contrasted to the traditional lecture in which the students passively receive information from the instructor.


Drew, C. 2020. “Active Learning – Pros & Cons (2020). 19 June 2020,

Isnan, F. N. 2016. Students’Active Learning Interaction  in the Classroom (A Descriptive Study for The First Grade Students of SMK Negeri 1 Banyumas in Academic Year 2015/2016) (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto).

Panopto. 2019. “What is Active Learning and Why Does It Work?”. Panopto, 19 June 2020,

Rodriguez, B. 2018. “Active Learning Vs. Passive Learning: What’s the Best Way to Learn?”. Classcraft, 19 June 2020,

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