What Is Apology? Several Definitions of Apology According to Some Experts or Researchers

Hello, everybody.

Do you know the definition of apology? If you don't, please don't worry because in this opportunity, I would like to share about several definitions of apology according to some experts or researchers that I have collected from any sources. Here we go.

1. Cambridge Online Dictionary (2016)

The speech act of apologizing involves of a group of strategies and sub-strategies and different writers have proposed frameworks to classify those strategies. Apology is defined as telling someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused problems or unhappiness for them.

2. Alzeebaree and Yavuz (2017)

According to Olshtain (1989), an apology is “a speech act which is intended to provide support for the hearer who was actually or potentially affected by a violation”. In an apology, the speaker is ready to degrade himself/ herself to a degree that the apology is a face-saving act for the hearer and a face-threatening act for the speaker 

3. Winda (2014)

Apology shows people’s feeling of regret, so they can apologize to another by using language. It is an action used to create a better situation, especially a bad situation created due to someone’s mistake. This apology is a social custom that takes place in the community. By apologizing, the speaker recognizes the fact that a violation of a social norm has been committed and admitted to the fact that s/he is at least partially involved in its cause. Hence, by their very nature, apologies involve loss of face for both interlocutors.

4. Nisa and Sutrisno (2018)

Uttering an apology is often inevitable. People may be in a situation where they need to apologize due to some offences they have committed to the one spoken to. Apology is, hence, considered an important part of human communication, owing to its role as a face-saving strategy. To apologize, people are entitled to choose their ways of apologizing which is commonly called apology strategies. As it has various types of strategies, apology might appear in different linguistic realization for different situation. The situation influencing the speaker’s choice of apology strategy is called social variables. Social variables which influence the realization of apology strategies include social distance and relative power. Distance is determined as the familiarity between the speaker and the hearer, while power is defined as the gap of authority between them, seen from the hearer’s point of view. These variables, which distinctively surround each situation, influence the linguistic realization of apology strategy.


Alzeebaree, Y. and Mehmet Ali Yavuz. 2017. Realization of the Speech Acts of Request and Apology by Middle Eastern EFL Learners: EURASIA Journal of Mathematics,Science and Technology Education, 13(11), 7313 – 7327.

Winda, A. (2014). Apologizing strategies realization of Indonesian: A case study of the University of Kuningan students. English Review: Journal of English Education, 2(2), 200-208.

Nisa, I. K. and Adi Sutrisno. 2018. Apology Strategies in Harry Potter Movie Series: Journal of English: English Language Teaching Educational Journal (ELTEJ), 1(1), 1 – 12.

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