What is Pragmatic Competence? Several Definitions of Pragmatic Competence According to Some Experts

 The followings are several definitions of Pragmatic Competence according to some experts:

1. Nordquist (2020)

Pragmatic Competence is the ability to utilize language effectively in a contextually appropriate fashion. Pragmatic competence is also a fundamental aspect of a more general communicative competence.

2. Alzeebaree & Yavuz (2017)

Pragmatic Competence deals with the ability to communicate properly in a social context. It is a main factor in communicative competence. It needs the knowledge of Pragmalinguistics, how to make speech acts, such as apology, request, complaint, and so on. 

3. Retnowaty (2017)

Pragmatic competence is known as the ability to communicate in foreign language that deals with the meaning.

4. Dorcheh & Baharlooie (2016) 

Pragmatic Competence, in the scientific acceptance of the term, generally denotes the appropriate use of language in any given social matrix where both implicit and explicit meanings take center stage and pragmatic competence is knowledge of speech acts and speech functions and ability to use language appropriately according to context.


Alzeebaree, Y. and Mehmet A. Y. 2017. Realization of the Speech Acts of Request and Apology by Middle Eastern EFL Learners: EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(11), 7313 – 7327.

Dorcheh, H. H. And R. B. 2016. Development of Pargmatic Competence.: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(1), 152 – 157.

Nordquist, R. 2020. Pragmatic Competence: Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms.

Retnowaty. 2017. Pragmatic Competence of Indonesian EFL Learners. Language and Education, 3(2), 74 – 83.

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