What Is Presupposition? Several Definitions of Presupposition According to Some Experts or Researchers

What Is Presupposition?
Several Definitions of Presupposition According to Some Experts or Researchers

"Let's Learn Pragmatics"

compiled by Irfan Suryana (30 September 2020)

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Hello everyone! In this occasion, I would like to share about several definitions of Presupposition that I compiled from any sources from the internet. I hope this post can provide benefits for you who are searching for the definitions.

1. Siagian, Pangaribuan, and Toruan (2015)

The term presupposition is derived from the word “suppose” which come from Latin and literary mean “to put under”, namely from sub (“under”) + phonere (“to put”). 

2. Risdianto, Malihah, and Guritno (2018)

Presupposition is a thing that is presupposed, while presupposes means to assume something true before it is proved. Presupposition can occur in verbal and written language, in daily conversation. 

3. Saed (1997)

Presuppositions are produced by particular words or construction, together sometimes called presupposition triggers.

4. Yule (1996)

When speaker’s assumption expressed is analyzed, presupposition has been associated with the use of a large number of words, phrases, and structures. 

5. Karttunen (1973)

Presupposition triggers are definite descriptions, factive verbs, implicative verbs, iterratives, change of state verbs, verbs like judging, temporal clause, cleft sentence, implicit clefts with stressed constituents, comparisons and contrast, non-restrictive relative clause, counterfactual conditionals questions. 

6. Stalnaker (1999) 

Presupposition are something like background beliefs of the speaker in which propositions whose truth takes for granted in making the statement. 

That's all everyone about several definitions of presupposition. If you have or know the other definitions, you can share on the comment box below. Thank you.


Oktoma, E. and Styfanus Mardiyono. The Analysis of Presupposition in the Short Stories of Silvester

Siagian, Pangaribuan, and Toruan. 2009. An Analysis of Types of Presupposition in Time Magazine Advertisiment.

Risdianto, F., Noor Malihah, and Agung Guritno. 2018. The Analysis of Presupposition in George   Orwell’s Novella Animal FarmJournal of Pragmatics Research1(1), 1 – 12.

Yule, G. 1995. Pragmatics. Oxford: University Press.

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