"Hurt" (A Life Story) written by Irfan Suryana


(Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-man-leaning-on-wooden-table-3132388/)

I know, I definitely know that none wants to be hurt. Everybody wants to be happy. They're chasing happiness on their own. Sometimes, crying is just a loyal friend that accompanies us wherever we go. Sometimes, sadness burdens our back like there is no day without certain big problems. Then, what should we do? Should we give up on that situation? Should we end every opportunity that maybe comes in our days?

I know, we should live in this life gratefully. I know life always provides many fabulous things that can amaze us. I know, there's no useless things in this life. However, we often think that these are still not enough. We want to get more; we want to feel more; & we want to grab more.

O God. We often hate our sisters and our brothers because they treat us like we're nothing. Please forgive us! Please purify our heart so that we can understand how beautiful forgiveness is. Please guide our way in a right path so that we can understand how to love each other. 

Now, I totally comprehend that all things depend on my perspective whether it can be good or bad. I understand that even in a bad day there's always a good thing that happens. Thanks God for always being with me.

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