University Students

Many university students get confused about their future. They feel that their major is wrong. Therefore they rarely do their assignments correctly and they do not have desire for improving their ablity. They just attend in the class afterwards they go back to their boarding house without doing anything. As university students they have to reliaze that their task is just about doing assignment and be active in many kind of event or activity, outside or inside. Unfortnatelly they ignore about that they have felt an comfortable situation that makes them so lazy. As agents of change university students have to do many useful things, for example, for their future, nation, and of course for  their parents.
 Fisrt of all is about paying attention for future. University students have to get the best future for their life. Because it is very important. They have earned a lot of money for their studies but they get nothing. It means that they just waste time for fourth years if they are in study program of S1. They have to remember that they will live in the future if they do not prerpare for the next level of life of course they will get failure. Honestly, their future it depends on themselves. But there is none who will remain their future except themselves. So they have to study with passion and be patient in the process because all require a long process. They can maximize all of the opportunities in the university or the organization which is from outside. It will train them to be better in managing a organization. What happens in the future if they constantly do that? Of course they will be a professional one who will handle a big company. A little step which can be done by them is they can patch their plan on the wallof their badroom. It will invite us to be more focus if we have assignment. By  allusing that university students do not waste their time as well because all their activities has written on the paper.
Besides paying attention for future as university students they can do everything for their nation. For example, they do not use drugs because it is forbidden by state and it is arranged by law. They will accept the rules or law as much as they can obey it. They will also mind how they can make proud their nation if they are always like a fool. After minding a lot of things which have given by nation. They can give their opinion for their state because it is very useful for state. If there are some problems which make them so angry. They do not rebut or protest. But they can discuss with the government then they will get the best solution and there is none who feel guilty regarding that problem. They have to reliaze that tey are the next generation for their future who will hold country in the future. In university there are kind of event which order them to be more active in government. For example they can represent Indonesian people in International activity, maybe student exchange. There is no impossible thing for university students who extremely want to join directly with governmental purposes.
The last is about parents. Parents obviously want to see their children who have been an university students for being successful men. Although university sudents have more knowledge than them and they also know how to use technological tools, for example mobilphone they have to respect their parents. Do not underestimate parents because they have given everthying even their soul. By remembering parents of course university students will always attempt to make their parents proud of them. No matter it is so hard or not. But making parents proud is their obligation. If they will do unimportant things of course they will avoid that. They want to keep their purposes as university students.

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