"Tangled" Fairy Tale Analysis (Characterization, Plot, Setting, & Theme) written by Irfan Suryana

A. Charactherization
1.   The protagonist of Tangled is Rapunzel. She has long golden hair and beautiful face. Rapunzel is innocent as well because she does not go out outside and she just stays in the tower. Even, his friend is only Pascal the chameleon. When she meets a stranger she can know that there is another person who is like her and Mother Gothel. 

Soon the Queen gave birth to a beautiful princess. (page 2) 
She discovered that the baby’s golden hair glowed .... (page 3)  

2. In Tangled there is the most antagonist character, names Mother Gothel. She is evil, selfish, vain.

Only the selfish and vain Mother Gothel knew where it grew. For centuries, Mother Gothel used the flower to preserve her youth. s(page 1)
Furious, a withered Mother Gothel sneaked into the castle nursery. (page 3)
Mother Gothel fled with the child, Rapunzel, deep into the forest and locked her in a secret tower. (page 6)
Rapunzel asked Mother Gothel to take her to see the floating lights. Mother Gothel refused, insisting that the world outside was full of scary things like thughhs, quicksand, and snakes. (page 8)
Enough with the lights, Rapunzel!” She shoted. “You are not leaving this tower, EVER!”
Mother Gothel came up with a wicked plan. (page 33)
Mother Gothel told her that Flynn was only using her to get the crown back. (page 37) 
“I was so worried about you, so I followed you,” explained Mother Gothel. “And i saw them attack you and ... Oh my, let’s go before they come to.” “You were right, Mother,” Rapunzel sobbed. Mother Gothel smiled. Her plan had worked perfectly. (page 50)
Mother Gothel pressed a dagger into Flynn’s back and chained him to the wall. (page 56)

3. Hero
In Tangled, the hero is Flynn Rider (his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert). He is strong, good-looking, loving, brave, and trustworthy.
…. he didn’t seem at all like the scary ruffians her mother had warned her about. In fact, Flynn was very pleasant-looking. Rapunzel felt exhilarated by her encounter with the stranger. (Page 14)
“Fine, I’ll take you to see the lanterns,” Flynn agreed … (page 17)
 Flynn fought off Maximus and the guards with Rapunzel’s frying pan! Rapunzel threw her hair to Flynn and held on tight as Flynn leaped off the cliff and swung right over the heads of the Stabbington brothers! (Page 29) 
Rapunzel and Flynn joined hands and were quickly carried away by the music. They whirled around the square, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. (Page 43)
Flynn cut his hand on a sharp rock while searching for a way out. (Page 31)
 Next they ventured off to explore the town. (Page 44)
 …. Flynn led Rapunzel to a boat and rowed them to a spot where they would have a perfect view of the lights …. “You get to go find a new dream,” he told her …. Flynn handed Rapunzel her own lantern …. Flynn tossed the satchel aside and reached for her hand …. Flynn caressed Rapunzel’s cheek. (Page 45)
When he regained consciousness, he immediately called out for Rapunzel. He knew she was in danger.
…. Flynn grabbed a shard of broken mirror and cut off Rapunzel’s hair! The golden locks instantly turned brown. The magic was gone! (Page 57)
“You were my new dream,” he murmured. (Page 60) Flynn stood happily beside Rapunzel as she greeted the townspeople …. Now the lanterns would illuminate their life together with everlasting love and happiness. (Page 63)  

B. Plot

In Tangled, Rapunzel as the protagonist character experiences many sufferings such as she is not permitted to go out from the tower. She eventually meets someone who helps her. He names Flynn or Eugene Fitzherbert. He assists Rapunzel in order to combat a selfish and vain person, Mother Gothel who always uses Rapunzel’s magic hair. In the end, Rapunzel can meet her parents, Kingdom family, and he lives with Flynn, her everlasting love and happiness.
Mother Gothel fled with the child, Rapunzel, deep into the forest and locked her in a secret tower ... Since there was no door in the tower ... (page 6) 
“Enough with the lights, Rapunzel!” She shouted. “You are not leaving this tower, EVER!” For the first time, Rapunzel realized that Mother Gothel intended to keep her locked in the tower forever! (page 9)
Rapunzel spent her days painting, knitting, doing laundry, brushing her hair and keeping busy with other chores and activities. She was happy to have the love of Mother Gothel and the companionship of her only friend, Pascal the chameleon .... there was one thing Rapunzel desperately longed for—to leave the tower to see the floating lights that appeared every year on her birthday. (page 8)

Flynn fought off Maximus and the guards with Rapunzel’s frying pan! Rapunzel threw her hair to Flynn and held on tight as Flynn leaped off the
cliff and swung right over the heads of the Stabbington brothers! (Page 29)
Rapunzel decided to share a secret of her own. “I have  magic hair that glows when I sing.” And that was when she realized—her glowing hair could light their way out. (page 31) 
Rapunzel wrapped her hair around Flynn’s wounded hand. As she began sing, her hair began to glow. Within moments, Flynn’s hand was completely healed. (page 36)
Suddenly, a series of memories rushed through her mind: the lanterns being released on her birthday; the mosaic of the King, the Queen and the green-eyed princess; the crown she had tried on the day before. Rapunzel finally realized the truth. (Page 53)
…. Flynn grabbed a shard of broken mirror and cut off Rapunzel’s hair! The golden locks instantly turned brown. The magic was gone! (Page 57)
“Nooooooo!” screamed Mother Gothel, gathering the precious hair to her. “What have you done?” She gazed into the shattered mirror and was horrified at reflection. Within seconds, she had aged a hundred years and turned to dust.” When the King and Queen arrived, they paused for a moment, stunned. The Queen reached out to Rapunzel and pulled her close for a long embrace. Rapunzel touched her father’s face as he wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter. At long last, the lost princess had come home. (page 61)
Now the lanterns would illuminate their life together with everlasting love
and happiness. (Page 63)
C. Setting

in Tangled the location is in Kingdom. That can be known because there are some sentences that state a kingdom.
 ..... the whole Kingdom searched for the magical flower and brought it back to their Queen .... (page 2)
 The entire kingdom was spread out before her. (page 40)
When the King and Queen arrived, they paused for a moment, stunned. The Queen reached out to Rapunzel and pulled her close for a long embrace. Rapunzel touched her father’s face as he wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter. At long last, the lost princess had come home. (page 61)
The entire Kingdom celebrated the return of their princess. (page 63)
            Moreover there some parts of the story in which prove that the setting place where the protagonist exiled or excluded is in the forest. For example:
Mother Gothel fled with the child, Rapunzel, deep into the forest and locked her in a secret tower ... Since there was no door in the tower ... (page 6)      
In Tangled, to make gloomy atmosphere, there are some parts of story in which some pictures are full of purple.
  .... Mother Gothel snatched the Princess and vanished into the night. (page 3) 
 .... Rapunzel asked Mother Gothel to take her to see the floating lights. Mother Gothel refused, insisting that the world outside was full of scary things like thugs, quicksand, and snakes. It was far too dangerous a place for a weak and helpless girl like Rapunzel. (page 8)"Enough with the lights, Rapunzel!” She shouted. “You are not leaving this tower, EVER!” For the first time, Rapunzel realized that Mother Gothel intended to keep her locked in the tower forever! (page 9)
Flynn and Rapunzel ran as fast as they could through the underground tunnel and skidded to a stop at the edge of a cliff. Maximus, the royal guards, and the stabbington brothers were right on their heels! Rappunzel lassoed a rock with her hair, swung through the air and landed on a rocky ledge .... (page 29)
.... a stone column crashed to the ground and trapped them inside. (page 30)
Rapunzel was just starting to get worried when the Stabbingtons walked up to her. They told her that Flynn had traded her and her magical hair for the crown. Rapunzel could clearly see Flynn steering a boat away from them. She called out to him, but he didn’t respond. Rapunzel couldn’t believe that Flynn had betrayed her .... (page 48)
"I was so worried about you, so I followed you,” explained Mother Gothel. “And i saw them attack you and ... Oh my, let’s go before they come to.” “You were right, Mother,” Rapunzel sobbed. Mother Gothel smiled. Her plan had worked perfectly. (page 50)
Rapunzel grabbed Flynn’s hand, pressed it to her short brown hair, and began singing. But nothing happened. “Don’t leave me,” Rapunzel gasped. “I can’t do this without you.” .... As Flynn closed his eyes, Rapunzel began to weep. (page 60)
D. Theme

Theme of Tangled is curiosity. Rapunzel can know the truth about herself because of her curiosity. In the beginning she is curious about the world outside. She also wants to know about the floating lights that appear every year on her birthday. She is curious about the mosaic of the King and Queen holding their baby girl as well.
 …. There was one thing Rapunzel desperately longed for—to leave the tower to see the floating lights that appeared every year on her birthday. (Page 8)
"Do you know what these are?” she asked, revealing a painting she had done of the lights. (Page 17)
 When Rapunzel saw a mosaic of the King and Queen holding their baby girl, she was mesmerized. The baby princess had emerald-green eyes—just like her own. (Page 42
 Suddenly, a series of memories rushed through her mind: the lanterns being released on her birthday; the mosaic of the King, the Queen and the green-eyed princess; the crown she had tried on the day before. Rapunzel finally realized the truth. (Page 53)

Yogyakarta, 4 November 2015
Irfan Suryana

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