Welcoming Morning with Some Exercise in Jogja Expo Center (JEC) written by Irfan Suryana

Yogyakarta, 29 November 2015

(Location: Jogja Expo Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

Now, I want to type my experience when I did exercise in Jogja Expo Center or JEC. I was with my senior. He named Yakfi Hasbiyalloh. We got same boarding house so we were close friend as well. We went together in the morning on that day when the air was really cold up to I could not bare that atmosphere. I went there for the first time. He told everything to me when we run slowly. Finally, we arrived in JEC and we just surrounded that building until we ere tired. To be honest, I went back home because I got stomach and I did not know where toilet is. Fortunately, my senior told me and showed me the way to get toilet. All praises to Alloh. After I finished my business in the toilet I felt free and I could enjoy my exercise again. There, I gave a time for myself in order to take some photos. That was incredible moment. :D

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