#motivation Move On again after Being Loser written by Irfan Suryana

Yogyakarta,  December 1, 2015

(Picture from google.com)

Today, I am obviously sad because I am loser again. I do not get a chance to present my opinion about the one who has good personality in front of the judges. Well, here is my story.
I have joined the competition regarding making a record or report of someone who has good personality. To be honest, in the beginning I was really confused who would become a subject in my record. I have chosen my lecturer but I was lack of data of him. So, what should I did? Well, I endeavored to look for a camera to be used but there was no one who was willing to lend it for me. I narrated about it Mba Kristanti. She was my classmate and she is very smart, religious person, and kind-hearted. She was willing to do many things. Thus, she offered me to use her mobile phone. I recorded one of my lecturers when he was teaching in the class. Many people stared at me but I ignored their eyes on me. I just went on. After that, I was confused again because it was not enough for competition if I only got some data about him. I tried hard to think again and eventually I got new idea. That idea was perfect. I wanted to make a video of my mom. So, I collected all things about her starting from photos up to videos. I tried to make it by myself. Suddenly, I got some troubles in making the video so that I consulted with my friend who has ability at making video. She was Mba Butet. She was very smart and she also has assisted me in some lesson such as Pengembangan Kepribadian or it was almost about psychology in making video as well.  After I installed the app I tried to make the video by myself. Wow, that was amazing because I could make it and I was proud of me. That video was about my mom . Why? Because I contended that the only person who was perfect in every thing is my mom. Moreover, I had to submit a resume about her life as well. After I made it I sent through email. Besides that, I had to go to First campus in Jombor and it was far from Third campus so that I had to went there by Trans Jogja. I was afraid that perhaps I would be late. I run from the terminal up to the first campus. I was so upset. “I was sure and optimistic that I could win”, those words made me better and spirit again. After submitting all materials that I had to. I just had to wait for the announcement. Today is the day that I could get the result and you know I get the bad result. It is not so bad because it is the best result for me anyway so I have to be grateful. I do not why I am always loser whereas I have try hard to make my wishes come true.
However, I will not give up because I extremely know that God always give the best things for my life and someday I will be one of the greatest persons in this world, for sure. Amen. :D

#UTY Competition Weeks 2015

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