#Poetry Explication Explication of First Stanza Lyiric "The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel - written by Irfan Suryana

Yogyakarta, 8 December 2015

"The Sound Of Silence"
By Simon and Garfunkel

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.

A. Lyric Translation
Apakabarkegelapan, temanlamaku
Karenaimpianmasadepan yang perlahanmenjalar
Dan impianmasadepan yang teranam di kepala

B. Lyric Translation for Song
Helo, malamtemanku
Ku datangbincangdenganmu
Impian yang tertanam di benak
Di dalamkeheningan

C. Explication
1. Elismawati (5130511010)
1.Darkness : malam
2.come to talk : datanguntukberbicara
"Hello darkness, my old friend
I`ve come to talk with you again"
»a condition who never happened to convertation between them because a diferent of status social.
I choose the meaning of "you" is "Anda" because someone in here has high status social and he has released a vision.

4. vision :pandangan, impian, visi
I choose the meaning of "vision" is "visi" because the meaning of "you" on it is a leader. The organization has a vision to give a spirit for changed
5. "Because a vision softly creeping"
"and the vision the vision that was planted in my brain still remains"
"within the sound of silence"
It meansa promise of leader who ever released to society for prosperity to them but the fact is unproved.

2. IrfanSuryana (5130511018)
1. The title is The Sound of Silence
a. The title contains two core words
They are sound and silence. Those words have contrary meaning. “Sound” refers to voice, volume tools or thing, noise, and tone. In the contrast, “silence” refers to quiet, stillness, noiselessness, soundlessness, muteness, and speechlessness.
b. Of
Here, “of” means from.
From the beginning this lyric has contrary meaning. How come, silence can produce the sound. However, it happens. The meaning of the title is the sound or message in a dream.

B. Explicating Each Stanza
a. The first stanza
Going to explication in first stanza
1) Hello darkness, my old friend
It has a figurative language. That is personification. It can be seen between “Hello darkness” and “my old friend”. It means a lyrical speaker contends that darkness is his friend. Why? Because darkness is a thing that always accompanies him when the night comes.
2) I’ve come to talk with you again
“I” refers to lyrical speaker and “you” refers to darkness. That case happens when he will sleep in the night. “Talk” means he will get a dream.
3) Because a vision softly creeping
It has figurative language. That is personification. It can be seen from “vision” and “creeping”. The meaning of this part is a lyrical speaker always remembers about his vision and he wants to make it comes true. That is why he will sleep. On his mind, he thinks that maybe in his sleeping he will find something that is similar to his vision.
4) Left its seeds while I was sleeping
Here, “Left” refers to vision and “seeds” means lyrical speaker’s thought. That thought can be about his problem, or some sort. His problem can be disappear when he is sleeping.

5) And the vision that was planted in my brain
“That was planted” means the vision will not be forgotten because he always remembers that. It has a figurative language as well. That is personification. It can be seen from the words “vision” and “that was “planted”.                                                                                           
6) Still remains
Lyrical speaker’s vision is still remembered up to now.
7) Within the sound of silence
The meaning of the last part in the last stanza is almost similar to the title but there is a word “Within”. So, lyrical speaker’s vision is still remembered but he cannot express and he is the only person who knows about it.

3. DewiAndriani (5130511022)      
Some words that have similar or related words or even the synonym of its word meaning:
·        Sound                   : voice, murmur, whisper, aside
·        Silence        : quite, calm, tranquil, restful, peaceful, still, relaxed
·        Darkness    : black, gloom, night, blindness, depressed, sad,
·        Old friend   : best friends
·        Vision         : sight, eyesight, view, shadow, reflection, dream, image, inspiration
·        Creeping     : crawl, spread, vine, stalk, worm
·        Seeds          : germ, descent, source, body, fountain, root, frame
·        Planted       : inveterate
“Sound of Silence” by Simon and Garfunkel is one of the songs that has poetic lyric.  Firstly, start from the title there are ‘sound’ and ‘silence’. What means by the words? Literary ‘sound’ has relation meaning voice, murmur, and whisper. While, ‘silence’ has synonym quite, calm, restful, peaceful, relaxed, and so on. Based on it, ‘sound of silence’ relates as mind. Every people have mind that must be only those who know the truth. It exists but in silence, because there is nobody will know what you exactly thinking if you not tell it to other.
The first and the second line, there is ‘darkness’ diction. ‘Darkness’ does not exactly mean as black or dark, it also can have meaning as gloom, night, depressed, or even sad feeling. It is also has positive meaning or relation. ‘Darkness’ is usually in black or night nuance, sometimes except the sad or depressed feeling comes, calm or quite nuance will also feel. This atmosphere is quite good to brood over. Whereas, ‘old friend’ shows that ‘darkness’ is something familiar to the author. It is not the first time when the author meets ‘darkness’. Even, the author is very familiar with that kind feeling.
The next is the third and the fourth line, in this line the author tells that he inherited a dream. It sees from the ‘vision’ that also means dreams in the future. While, ‘seeds’ also has many relation words meaning such as body, source, dream, image, or even inspiration. It can also have meaning as a heritage for the author. ‘Creeping’ in the third line shows that the ‘vision’ is going bigger and bigger. The author feels that it bothering him until he cannot sleep in the night.
The last part of the first stanza presents if the dream firmly embeddedinauthor’s mind. The dream is bothering him more and more until the author always think about it. However, the dream he has is still remains in his mind. The author still keeps it in his mind and does not tell him to anyone, it comes from ‘within the sound of silence’.
Briefly, the first stanza of ‘Sound of Silence’ by Simon and Garfunkel presents a story of a man that has dreams in his mind but he cannot tell him to anyone else. He only keeps it in his own mind. He only can meet the ‘darkness’, to brood over.

4. SitiLatifah (5130511040)
1. The author accosts the darkness. Darkness here means loneliness. Long time ago he/she has an intimate time in the middle of night to daydreaming or introspection about his/her life. And now he/she back to introspect again.
2. A vision about future split from his/her mind and into his/her dream when he/she was sleeping.
3. A vision about future that he/she has been thought before it still remains in his/her brain and it appears again.
4. The vision that was planted in his/her brain blends in the silence.

5. Theodora Anggraeni (5130511046)
1. “Hello darkness my old friend”
The darkness in here is representing ignorance or gloomy condition. The darkness is to show how people's ignorance and apathy destroys their ability to communicate even on simple levels. The writer calls the darkness as his old friend. Old in here refers to the past situation which very close to the writer so that he calls it his old friend. The darkness is situation that has happened.
2. “Because a vision softly creeping”
A vision itself means thought, notion, and idea. The thought creeps softly. The thought that had by each people, the opinion about anything around them. The thought or opinion which should be told in order to avoid the darkness situation.
The newly inspired social activist is established by the lyrics of the first stanza: “a vision softly creeping, / left its seeds while I was sleeping”
3. “And the vision that was planted in my brain”
It refers to a great thought about changes that has planted for a long time and there is no time to express that thought.
4. “Within the sounds of silence”
The sounds of silence itself refers to people are not allowed to express their opinion.

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