Common Methods of Introduction of Essay Writing

Here is about common methods to make introduction in Essay :

1. Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement.
Broad, general statements ease the reader into your thesis statement by providing a background for it. In the example below, the writer talks generally about diets and then narrows down to comments on a specific diet.
Bookstore shelves today are crammed with dozens of different diet books. The American public seems willing to try any sort of diet, especially the ones that promise instant, miraculous result. And authors are more than willing to invent new fad diets to cash in on this craze. Unfortunately, some of these fad diets are ineffective or even unsafe. One of the worst is the "Palm Beach diet." It is impractical, doesn't achieve the results it claims, and is a sure route to poor nutrition
2. Start with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. This approach works beacuse your readers will be surprised, and intrigued, by the contrast between the opening idea and the thesis that follow it.
3. Explain the importance of your topic to the reader. If you can convince your readers that the subject in some way applies to them, r is something they should know more about, they wil want to keep reading.
Diseases like scarlet fever and whooping cough used to kill more young children than any other cause. Today, however, child mortality due to disease has been almost completely eliminated by medical science. Instead, car accidents are the number one of our children. And most of the children fatally injured in car accidents were not protected by car seats, belts, or restraints of any kind. Several steps must be taken too remedy this serious problem.
4. Use an incident or brief story.
5. Ask one or more questions,
6. Use a quotation.


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