High School Bad Student’s Schedule System

High School Bad Student’s Schedule System
By Novita Handayani

School students shouldn’t have a full day schedule. Many schools in Indonesia, especially junior and senior high schools give schedule to the students up to a full day.  They perhap believe that those studdents must get good and optimal education at school. Yes, students do need much lesson but it doesn’t mean that they have to study all day long. I think, it is not problem about the schedule where the students must study at school all day long because there are much lesson given, but it is all about teachers give those lesson to the students effectively and efficiently. If the schedule is still given to the students may be able to turn up sort of problems.
Students will hardly devide their times to school, to do homework, and to do outdoor activities. The full schedule will take over so much energy of the students. After they study full day at school, they will go home and feel so tired. The energy of school students are different with adult’s in general so that they are easy to be tired. Besides, mostly students also have extra outdoor activities after school which are also improtant for them such as volley ball, basket ball, soccer, dancing club, and many more. Those of course will take much their times and make them more restless. When it happens, they will lost their focus in doing their homeworks. Finally, when school start tomorrow morning, the students will look sleepy and don’t have enthusiasm at subject given because they had to do some homeworks last night.
Besides makes the students being tired, such schedule won’t cause them to absorb the lesson very well because there are so much lesson to be remembered from morning 7 in the morning up to 3 in the afternoon. In a day, students are possible to get more than three subjects. Each of subject will be delivered in more or less 45x2 minutes with some difficult material to be remembered or achieved. It may cause the students to get the lesson hardly. Sometimes the teachers will give daily exam to students which makes them have to study harder. And then, when it comes to 2 or 3 in the afternoon those students will be more tired and have less spirit than in the morning. And again, the will achieve the lesson given by the teachers with struggle.
Human is not a robot which is restless. Human’s brain also needs to rest for a while. Even when we press a robot to do something more than their capacity, it means we just break them. So we can imagine what will happen next when the brain of us do something like that. As I said that duration of one subject is 45x2 minutes and after two subjects are done there will be 15 minutes rest-time. This is not proportional and only makes students lost their focus or even get sleepy because lack of rest-time. It will also influence the students in achieving the subject lessons especially about arithmetic or physic and those which needs their memory capability like languages and history, because our brain needs to process those subjects. When our tired brain is pressed to do something, it will cause bad result for the teachers and especially the students themselves. Then, after a day long at school, students have to do their homework in the night which also needs their brains. So, their brains and bodies will get restless and once again, they will lost their focus in getting the lesson at school.
My senior high school said that there is no stupid people in the world. There are only diligent and lazy people. Laziness is caused by some factors. One, somebody will be too lazy to give his attention to the lesson because of the way the teachers teach the students is boring. A teacher must be able to make his students to be more interested to the subject at school by giving more enjoyable teaching. Besides, a teacher must give a more detail understanding about the subject or lesson which is given until the students really understand. Another laziness factor is because of the full day schedule. When the afternoon comes, students will be more stressed and tired to get themselves in the class. They just think about the alarm that means it is time to go home, so they will no longer focus in class. Their enthusiasm to achieve the lesson must’ve been gone. And the next is they won’t get any knowledge but nothing. When their teachers ask them about the subject which is being given, they won’t be able to answer it. It will happen frequently everyday and finally it will disturb their class activity. Some students may be called “lazy” or “dumb” because of this kind of case. Even, there are many case where those kinds of students are not be able to follow the rythm of the schedule, and finally they give up and move to another school. In other case, those sorts of students are even disturbing thr others in the class and are dropped out. Of course we can blame those students for what happen to them. Besides, if a student is hardly achieve certain subject, it is responsibility of the teacher to help him or her. I think, our country still has to fix its system of education.

Every instituion of education have good purpose for every young generation. I believe they want to advance the young generations by giving optimal education early. But it doesn’t mean that they can press them to study over. A good education is an education which is easy to get by every student without make them being tired. Even, a good education is an education where every student will be enjoy to learn it. Besides, a good education doesn’t need a long time to learn, but emphasis is more on the effectiveness in delivering the lesson or subject itself. The question is by this full day schedule will guarantee the understandable of students. I don’t think so. Students will think that school is such a heavy load which every single student have to face it. They school to learn and get knowledges not to work. How this country can have good young generations when the system of its education is still bad. So I think, before we fix the young genration to be next good generation for our future, let’s fix our system of education firstly by do not apply such schedule for school students.

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