There Are Some Reason Why People Sing A Lot

There Are Some Reason Why People Sing A Lot
by Novi Yanti

No doubt people have always sung, people everywhere, at all times and in all cultures. Young people, old people, children. Even babies sing. Happy people, sad people, people in crisis, people in prison, people about to die, people about to give birth. All aspects of human culture involves singing from religious rites to rites of passage, acts of debauchery to acts of devotion. People sing to their children, to their spouses, to their pets, in the shower, in church, at baseball games, in concerts, when no one is listening. There are some reason why people sing a lot.
First, there are songs for every occasion: sad songs, happy songs, angry songs, love songs. Singing is a way of giving voice to a strong emotion and sharing it with the world. It can be a means of communicating our feelings to others, but also a way of giving ourselves comfort and solace in difficult time. Many people realise that singing can make us feel good and worse. For example whe we are broken hear wih our couple and we liste or sing a sad song about a sad love it is no guarantee to be happy. It is a natural expression of the way we are feeling.
Second, sometimes the last thing we want to do is to sing. But I thought that it is our job turn up at the singing workshop and before we know it. I’m singing (because I have to). After just a few bars however, we notice our mood lifting considerably. Singing should be part of the health service. I absolutely agree that it help people to be healthy.
Third, singing is something that can help someone out from their sadness. Singing is not also for the singer itself, but it for other people to. Everyone are born to listen everything that they can listen to. It’s a good thing to entertain aroud you by your voice.
The last reason is Song came and grow from our soul and we just blow to sing. It is hard to explain why people sing a lot. We are just speak out by some note and no idea. This is some one who we call music lover.

For conclusion, we can say that singing is very helpful the people to out from bad time or make them more relax to something.

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