Irrelevent of Final National Exam In Senior High Svhool Level

Irrelevent of Final National Exam
In Senior High Svhool Level
by Dian Saputra

Every year, national exam is held for third year of senior high school students in Indonesia. All of students should pass that exam if they want to continue their school to the higher step in the University. But, for some students, national exam isn’t easy. They think national exam isn’t ordinary exam, they allow to get a remedial from their teachers if they do not pass that exam. They should repeat a year in senior high school  if they do not pass the national exam. Based on that fact and a lot of considerately, I said that national exam is not relevant for senior high school level because in other word national exam should be banned for senior high school level. I think government should stop that exam now. Anies Baswedan as a Minister of Education has to thinks about it. I have some reasons why I disagree about national exam in Indonesia.
First, the subjects are irrelevant for some students. On few years ago, there were three subject on national exam, but, now the subject on national exam is increasing, from three to six subjects. Those subjects are math, physic, chemistry, English, Indonesian, and Biology (for science department). That was too hard for some students and they will be burdened. In other side, how about another vocational school student? Should they do the same exam with senior high school students with those subjects? I think it is very irrelevant. Each student has a different capability. So, if the vocational school students have to do the same exam with  senior high school students, it is not fair.
Second, their struggles of study will be determined in just three days. Fourteen years of school could be for nothing or useless if they do not pass the national exam. We can imagine two or three years in kindergarten, six years in elementary school, three years in junior high school, and three years in high school is without result or useless. That is very insensible for them. The government does not give chance to students to more exploring their potentials.
Last, national exam can give bad effect on psychology of the students. The students who have a weak mentality may lose their mental before the day of the exam. It is because they afraid if they are not going to pass the exam or they can not do the exam well. Besides that, if the student are not going pass the exam, it may destroy their mental and bury their hope. They may lose their future.

From all of my arguments above I conclude that national exam should be banned in senior high school level. My reasons are the subject that given in national exam is irrelevant to all of students. The government do not appreciate the struggle of student as long as about fourteen years. National exam can give bad damage to student’s mental. In my opinion, I suggest that the government should revise the impact of national exam, so there is no one that gets disadvantages. 

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