Uncomfortable Moments

Uncomfortable Moments
By Lina Triastuti

Have you ever been in an unexpected and very uncomfortable situation? Throughout life there are many events in which we comfort or not. We always hope that life going well everytime, doing any delightful activity with best people. However, sometimes we get any uncomfortable situation in life. I fell uncomfort with any situation such as drive motorcycle in a long traffic, deliver something in public and being alone in a strange comunity.
The first situation which make me uncomfort is drive motorcycle in a long traffic. It is annoying to come home to Klaten because I have to pass a long traffic in Yogya-Solo street. Almost half of this road is being fixed, it full of the bus and car so motorcycle just get a narrow space to cross. It is so crowded, many driver sound the horn impatiently and they  also overtaking the other vehicle carelessly. The vehicle emission make me hard to take breath. This situation make me think many times to come home.
Another of the situation which make me uncomfort is deliver something in front of public. Since when I was in vocational high school, I am afraid to speak up in front of public, I dont know the reason why. Every monday I should be ready to deliver speech in front of class in this semester, Mr. Pram will call the student name randomly. Moreover, the most thing which make me uncomfort is Mr. Pram expression when he found a wrong grammar or pronounciation that I made. It was uncomfortable situation, I feel like butterflies around my stomach and my heart beat faster than usual every monday.
Perhaps one of the worst situation which make me uncomfort is being alone in a strange comunity. I am quiet shy and I don’t like to open any conversation with stranger. I will explain who I am and why I am there if there is any people ask me. I may stand in a corner by myself staring awkwardly at my phone while everyone else around me had a wonderful time. People may think “look at that weird people all alone in the corner” stare at me awkwardly.
In short, I never feel comfort being in traffic jam, deliver anything in front of many people and being alone in a strange comunity. That are my big problem, I try to find the solution of that situation. My friend always tell me to enjoy every situation which come over me.

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