How To Stop Masturbation written by Irfan Suryana

This is my writings regarding how to handle ourselves from masturbation.

Do you know about masturbation? Yes, you do. Perhaps you know more than me. I write this kind of title because there are a lot of excuses. This is not about pornography but only some clues from young people who are always confused how to handle this habituality. Before I write further it will be better for you if you know masturbation from two sides, religion and health. Religion, notably Islam, gazes masturbation as taboo thing. Masturbation is forbidden in Islam because anybody who commit masturbation it means that they cannot maintain their genital. People, notably young people, who have high sexuality always commit masturbation. They also feel curious about new things. It will happen when they are in puberty. Prophet Muhammad said that if people cannot keep sexuality, they have to fast, if they have been enough all things for married they have to get married. They include mental readiness and physical readiness. Why do they have to fast? Because Fast is one manner to keep or maintain ourselves from nasty things. After people masturbate they will feel aden with sin. In health side, many sources on the internet which state that doctor proposes people to masturbate or wank because it will assist their reproduction being better. Even he eyes, if people masturbate regularly, it can make them more healthy. Beside that, doctor eyes that if people masturbate too frequently, it will make bad impact for them. By following them, at least there are few impacts; a) They will be addicted with masturbating b) It will infect their organ of reproduction, like their genital c) It will make them impotent d) It will impact their remembrance e) It will effect their wits f) It will make their body weaker g) They will feel disability.

After you read my writings about masturbation. Probably you will make a decision in your life. You can choose religious side or healthy side. It depends on you. All have consequences but if I can suggest you. It will be better for your future, you can begin stopping masturbation. Because it is very useful for your body. That is why religious sides cover all things in our life. :D

Ciamis, July, 10 2015
Written by Irfan Suryana

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