Horror Film on TV written by Irfan Suryana

I recently knew that my mother terribly like horror film. When we watched on one program of TV, there was horror film. It entitled "Tangisan Tengah Malam" or "Crying in the midnight". I wanted to change the channel but my mom prohibited me. So I still watched it. It was so terrifying but my mom said that the film was lie. When we were watching that film my mom was very curious what scene will be next. I did not understand why she liked horror film. After I asked her, she just replied because that film was interested to be watched. That film narrated about a wife who waited her husband from a warfare and she was pregnant. After her husband went back home safety he met his wife. He obviously loved her until one day fourth his friends suspected his wife that she has died. All citizens avoided meeting him and his friends as well because they thought that he has died in warfare. His friends attempted to find out the truth about her. Eventually, when their friend with his wife were in horror game. They kidnapped him and tied on his body. Suddenly, his wife appeared, his friends were very scary. They run rapidly. They asked help from a shaman but shaman was defeated by woman. She asked her husband about his loyalty. Her husband said that he would live with her forevermore whatever happened. That film ended with scene wife helped her husband in order to carry a bamboo nearby roof. Sadly my mom did not watch that film until finished because she went to the well in order to take a bath. After she returned home she asked me what happened on next scene. She was still curious about that film and I said story of the film. She just listen to my story and nodded as a sign she understood what I was saying.

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